I'm excited! We're kicking off a new series today! It's called Fat to Fit and I'll be helping you move from wherever you currently are to further along the spectrum towards your goals. This Fat to Fit series is all about sustainable progress.
In part one we're tackling nutrition and looking at the kinds of small, achievable changes you can make to improve your nutrition in a way that leads to more fat loss.
In parts 2 & 3 we'll tackle improvements in mindset & fitness but, for today, we're focusing on food.
You likely fall into one of these categories:
You know what to do but you aren't doing it
You're confused about food & fat loss and aren't sure what changes to make or how
You feel like you're doing what you need to do but you aren't seeing results.
Today's episode will provide strategies and suggestions for all three.
Before we dive into today's episode, I want to acknowledge that improving your food choices for fat loss can be really tough if you don't know what to eat or you're bored with food. I know I used to spend hours on Google looking for fat loss meal ideas only to find that they were either too expensive, used obscure ingredients I didn't have or took WAY too long to make. I'm saving you time & energy! I have curated a list of 100 fat loss meal ideas and dozens of recipes and I'll share them with you for free! Just click the green banner below and they're yours!