Success in any endeavor, as Tony Robbins says, is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. Unfortunately, most of us spend the majority of our focus on the mechanics and very little on mindset.
In today's episode I want to introduce you to the triple threat of success: right strategy, right mindset and right effort.
I know, that begs the question: what in the world is the right strategy? There's so much conflicting information out there! We're going to get into how you can identify YOUR right strategy - not mine, not anyone else's, just yours.
Let's talk travel and weight loss today, okay? It's a busy season of travel for me and on today's show I want to share with you some of my most effective strategies for traveling without disregarding my goals. In fact, these travel strategies help me make progress towards my goals no matter where I am!
If you have travel coming up and you're feeling anxious about it, I totally understand and I hope you'll listen to this episode in full!
In today's episode I'm diving deep into several strategies that will help you transform your experience of travel and boost your confidence that you can lose weight no matter where you are or what is going on around you.
Yes, there's a lot you can't control when you're on the road and away from your normal surroundings. However, that doesn't mean you need to surrender all your control. What elements of your normal routine can you maintain?
Personally, I maintain my morning routine whenever I can. I get up early, I work for a few hours, workout and have a fat loss friendly breakfast. This helps me begin the day feeling energized, positive, focused and productive.
Maybe it's important for you to maintain your bedtime, or to ensure you always drink enough water or get in a leisure walk.
Either way, look for ways to create structure regardless of where you are and what is going on.
To me, indulgences were always things like cookies, ice cream, cupcakes and alcohol. But, I want to challenge you to think about what it means to indulge. I think it means to have something special that represents a rare treat. With that definition, it doesn't have to be something misaligned with my goals.
An indulgence can be something that is special & rare but doesn't have to be something that makes you feel full, heavy, or guilty afterwards.
I seek out indulgences that feel really special but make me feel amazing both while I eat it and after. On this particular trip, those were things like octopus carpaccio, snapper ceviche and table side guacamole.
Food does not taste better the more of it you eat. In fact, it's kind of the opposite. The first few bites are always the best, and we pay less attention as we continue to eat. For that reason, more isn't better. More is usually less satisfying.
Pay attention as you eat. Are you savoring every bite or are you just going through the motions.
Is the current bite as good as the first? If not, let it go. Move on.
Sure, there are lots of excuses you could make when you're traveling, but you don't have to make them or accept them. You don't have a kitchen. You don't have your normal gym. Your preferred food choices aren't available. Great. Who cares?
What CAN you do? What is within your power? What will you do?
I just returned from speaking on Jimmy Moore's Low Carb Cruise about overcoming emotional eating & self-limiting beliefs. I shared with his audience that all the strategies in the world won't help if you don't get out of your own way & do the work consistently.
Though I think strategy matters, most people fail to implement because of their mindset & beliefs, not because of the nuts & bolts of "how" to lose weight.
In today's podcast, I'm going to share with you the presentation I gave on the Low Carb Cruise about strategies to help you avoid self-sabotage & accelerate progress towards your goals.
There are 3 primary barriers to progress that I talk about in today's episode:
To overcome these barriers and avoid self-sabotage, you need to make sure to:
I share specific mantras, perspectives and mindset shifts to help you implement these strategies and stay out of your own way! Don't miss the full episode!
In today's episode we're breaking down some recent research about rebound weight gain & the impact of rapid weight loss on hormones & metabolism, courtesy of the popular television show, The Biggest Loser.
This article has spread like wildfire, summarizing a study that followed 14 former Biggest Loser contestants over 6 years, documenting their weight gain & metabolic/hormonal challenges.
Many people read this article and panicked, which is why I'm doing this episode. They feel like the article suggests that weight loss is hopeless and your body will fight back to get to it's original weight.
They feel like the article suggests you can't lose weight without wrecking your metabolism. That's just not true. Take a listen to the full episode to get the facts without the media hype!
Let's talk hunger, shall we? It's one of those things that for some unknown reason, we kinda fear. Not anymore. Not after today. Today is all about hacking hunger and improving your response to hunger to increase your peace of mind and accelerate your results.
Have you ever felt like you need to keep snacks around "just in case" you get hungry?
Have you ever told yourself that you can't get too hungry or you'll go off the rails?
I know I have!
In today's episode we're talking about improving our response to hunger so we can understand it & embrace it without panicking or reactive decision making.
Today I've got another motivational minisode for you! It's time to take it to the next level. We need to get out of our way, we need to stop making excuses, stop looking for exceptions, stop focusing on all the mistakes and missed opportunities in the past.
What would happen if you brought your level 10 effort to each day for the next 30 days?
Where would be? What would you achieve? How much momentum would you create?
It's a great thought, right?
So do it. Start now. There's no need for more waiting or wishing.
Need a kick in the pants? Listen to today's episode!
The vast majority of conversations about weight loss are about diet & exercise. I get it. Makes sense.
But here's the problem: the real problem, for most people, isn't about food.
It's not. I know, I didn't believe it either, for most of my life.
Doesn't make it not true.
In today's episode I'm explaining that most people overeat, binge or lack moderation & self-control because of some other issue not related to food.
Overeating & weight gain are merely symptoms of a different problem.
We keep eating because the food doesn't meet the true need we have.
Please, don't miss today's episode.
When trying to lose weight, most people focus on just that – weight. The number on the scale. Not only do I think tends to backfire for most people, it’s also an accurate representation of what we’re really after (fat loss) and it often prevents us from focusing on all the other wins – non scale victories we have every day and typically overlook.
In today’s episode I’ll certainly share my thoughts on effective and ineffective ways to measure fat loss and overall progress, but I want to focus on non scale victories.
We’ll talk about which, if any, you should begin to measure (and how) as well as the tremendous benefit they have in your journey.
Here’s my 10,000 ft view of non-scale victories: they are one of the most powerful ways to overcome all-or-nothing thinking.
You definitely want to listen to this episode if you struggle with the scale or with all-or-nothing thinking about weight loss.
When we fall into the trap of all-or-nothing thinking, we fixate on something that we aren’t proud of, a choice that was less than perfect, and, due to our imperfection, we count the day as wasted. Next thing we know, one average choice has triggered 10 awful choices.
At the root of all-or-nothing thinking is a focus on what wasn’t perfect or ideal. This is the absolute opposite of non scale victories.
When we practice monitoring & celebrating non scale victories, we’re focusing on what is going right. We’re looking for progress beyond the scale and we’re focusing on the improvements in mindset, moderation, health, energy, fitness and anything in between.
Naturally, we focus less on what wasn’t right and more on what was right.
Plus, we begin to prove to ourselves that progress doesn’t require perfect and we clearly see that all-or-nothing thinking is counter productive.
There are all kinds of non-scale victories. In today’s episode I’m talking about many different categories of non-scale victories and how you can measure them.
Health (blood sugar, hemoglobin A1C, cholesterol, triglycerides, migraines, etc)
Hormonal biofeedback (sleep, energy, cravings, hunger, mood, menstrual cycle regularity)
Fitness (strength, endurance, consistency, speed)
Mindset (attitude, negativity, perspective, motivation, consistency, grace, patience)
Choices (frequency of binges, bouncing back more quickly)
You don’t want to miss this full episode to hear about how, why & how often you should evaluate these non-scale victories and what the focus will do for your results & your motivation.
Months ago I shared a quiz to help people identify whether or not they are "carbohydrate sensitive". The vast majority of people are. Fortunately, you can absolutely, positively improve your carbohydrate tolerance.
You are probably carb sensitive if you're one of those people who feels like you gain weight at the mere sight of carbs. Or if you struggle with cravings & weight loss seems SO hard.
Many people feel like being carb intolerant or highly carb sensitive is just their lot in life but it doesn't have to be.
In today's episode I will introduce you to 3 specific strategies you can begin to implement today to improve your carbohydrate tolerance.
When you improve your carbohydrate tolerance, fat loss becomes easier, energy increases, cravings decrease, health improves and so much more!
In today's episode I'm taking a deep dive into food, exercise & lifestyle strategies that will improve your carbohydrate tolerance, improve your insulin sensitivity and make weight loss much easier.
The three strategies include:
When it comes to achieving these goals of accelerating fat loss & increasing energy while decreasing cravings, we have to understand the role of muscle tissue in carb metabolism and insulin sensitivity.
There are 2 primary issues at play.
We need our muscle tissue to be more responsive to insulin. We can make this happen.
This responsiveness is related, in part, to glucose transporters. They live in our muscle tissue and are the doorways through which glucose enters the muscle tissue.
When we have more glucose transporters, our muscle tissue is more responsive and efficient to glucose.
In some people, there just aren’t that many doorways. They also might not be very responsive. The factors we need to consider are: how many are there & how responsive are they?
When the glucose transporters (doorways) aren’t responsive or there aren’t that many of them, it’s like a pile-up outside the door.
That results in blood sugar & insulin staying elevated for longer which impairs fat loss.
Imagine you have a people trying to get into a building. What are the factors in making sure that the people get in quickly?
Your glucose transporters are the same way.
Do you want a huge traffic jam of sugar, hanging out in the blood, keeping insulin elevated while waiting to get into the muscle tissue? No! You want to clear it fast.
Your ability to do so depends on:
Today's episode explains how you can control #1 while improving #s 2 and 3!
Today is a minisode to help you shift from a focus on all the things beyond your control to all the things squarely within your control.
We're talking about the difference between having an internal locus of control & an external locus of control.
Essentially, when we focus on things we don't control like the actions of our family or the things we've done in the past, we automatically feel less in control of our choices and more frustrated.
When we acknowledge all those things beyond our control but redirect our focus to all that is within our control, we accelerate our progress while dramatically improving our attitude & confidence.
There is ALWAYS something within your control. In today's minisode I'll show you how to redirect some of the most common frustrations to an effective & simple internal locus of control.
I talk on almost every episode about how important it is to write down what you eat & how it makes you feel. It's not at all about calorie or macro counting but bringing mindfulness to your food choices & your body.
There are no more excuses! I've created a free food journal food you & we are going to kick off a 31-day journaling challenge for the month of May!
That's right. I'll give you a free food journal and you'll commit to writing down everything you eat and how it makes you feel for 31 days. Deal?
Not sold yet? That's ok. In today's episode I'm talking about the objections to journaling and the primary benefits (which might change your mind!)
To get your free food journal, click the link below or (if you're in the US) text the word tracking to the number 33-444
After a recent episode on the stress response triggered by caffeine, I received a number of emails about cortisol, adrenal fatigue and if the stress in our lives contributes to weight gain or trouble losing weight.
Today we're going to answer the questions.
The short answer is this: Yes, the stress you create is keeping you fat and much of the stress we experience is stress we manufacture.
We'll talk about adrenal fatigue, chronic stress & what you can do about it.
We need to have a better understanding of what triggers a stress response. We tend to think about stress as emotional stress but it's far more than that.
Much of the stress in our lives is stress we manufacture:
Stress can be caused by thoughts, emotions, injury, illness, exercise, food, fatigue & much more.
When your stress response is on overdrive it can lead to:
Your adrenal glands, though small, are a significant part of your health, happiness & ability to burn fat. You've got two of them and each one sits on top of your kidney, like a cap.
In response to stress of any kind, your brain instructs the adrenal glands to produce & secrete stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.
Think about it like a fire alarm. The first time you pull the alarm, you react! The fire department reacts. The alarm stands out and an appropriate response ensues.
But what happens if that alarm goes off every single day? Or worse, if it is constantly sounding?
You don't react to it the same way, the fire department certainly doesn't either and eventually the batteries will die.
When we have constant stressors triggering the alarms in our bodies, these adrenal glands wear out. They get tired. They're constantly pumping out stress hormones. They're both exhausted and less effective.
This means that not only are you feeling constantly exhausted and on edge, your body is unable to respond to true issues like injury & illness.
It creates systemic hormonal chaos and is a strong precursor to injury, disease and depression.
Adrenal fatigue is absolutely something you can improve. Even if you aren't struggling with full-blown adrenal fatigue, you can benefit from minimizing stress and improving your response to stressful things.
It's our 3rd Primal Potential book club episode! Today I'll be sharing the incredible lessons I've learned from the book The Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont.
Sure, it's a book about concentration, not a book about health or fat loss, but I'm telling you right now: if you harness the power of concentration for weight loss, you will dramatically improve your results.
A couple episodes ago I talked about a clip from the movie "Any Given Sunday" and how Al Pacino (the coach) shares with the team that games are won & lost by inches and the inches we need are all around us.
The same is true in behavior change, fat loss and health. The inches we need are all around us and the power of concentration gives us many of those inches we need.
Listen to the full episode to learn how we can apply the power of concentration to all our weight loss, health, fitness and personal goals.
The Power of Concentration begins by talking about the power of focus. I've shared many times how I think one of the most destructive things we can do is try to achieve too many objectives at once.
This is how my simple mind thinks about it - you know that carnival game where you have a gun & a target? When you pull the trigger, the gun shoots water at the target? The more consistently you hit the center of the target with the stream of water, the faster the ballon above the target rises, driven by the concentrated force of water.
But, what would happen if you tried to hit 3 targets at once? You still only have 1 water gun & one source of water. You'd make slower progress while still exerting the same amount of effort, balloons over each target rising more slowly.
This is why we need to harness the power of concentration. As it relates to weight loss or fat loss, I believe we do this by tackling ONE behavior change at a time.
I learned a few key lessons from The Power of Concentration which I share in detail in today's episode. They include:
I share some of the ideas about how to practice concentration in ways that relate to your health & fat loss goals including breathing, focus and visualization.
You might not believe me, but I'm telling the truth when I say that there is an undeniable (and very powerful) link between your body language and weight loss. There is. I hope you'll be open minded enough to listen to today's episode in its entirety to see what I mean, why & how you can capitalize on this.
Not only does our body language influence how we feel, but it influences our hormones. For real. In this episode I will share the link between body language, weight loss and our hormone production. Specific power poses can actually reduce stress hormones in as little as two minutes!
I get a lot of questions about nuts. Everything from, "Are nuts healthy?" to "How can I stop overeating nuts?"
Let's tackle these questions and everything in between!
There is no black & white answer on the nut issue. In today's episode, as we explore the question, "Are nuts healthy?", I want to show you how to find the right answer for you & adjust your strategy based on your needs, not on universal all-or-nothing statements about nuts.
I will show the types of things you need to consider such as:
Don't miss the whole episode for the facts about nuts and their impact on your health & fat loss.
This is definitely an "Elizabeth uncensored" episode! When it comes to weight loss, the most important thing you need to lose is your negative attitude. Seriously.
When you argue for your limitations you get to keep them and the majority of people spend more time arguing for why they can't change than for why they can & will. They'll be right every single time.
There's not much in the way of show notes for this one because the truth is: you need to listen.
The single most high-impact change you can make in your life is to change your attitude & your perspective and it's time to change both. In the episode I talk about Breaking Barriers and believe this is a powerful tool to help you in this quest.
Of course, if you have questions after listening to the episode, send me an email.
If you are a regular listener to the podcast, you know I am a huge coffee fan. It's true. I drink a lot of coffee and I drink it every single day. But here's the reality: coffee might be holding you back. Less coffee might actually help you lose weight.
It's true - and what I want to do in today's episode is help you find what is true for you:
We'll talk about the impacts of coffee & caffeine on your hormones, how to know if you're having too much and simple changes you can make to enjoy your coffee without compromising your weight loss goals. I've also linked to some super helpful resources below including one of my favorite coffees, a high-quality water filter and some books about understanding the impact of things like coffee on your hormones.
Let me first say that there is no one set answer for everyone. The goal of this podcast episode is to help you find YOUR answer because I am certain your body is telling you!
Caffeine from coffee, tea, sodas or any source drives your body's stress response by increasing the stress hormone cortisol.
Your answer is going to depend on your body's unique ability to metabolize caffeine, your sensitivity to stress and your baseline cortisol level.
Here are some signs that your stress response system might be on overdrive and you could benefit from dialing back your caffeine (coffee):
Caffeine consumption triggers the production of cortisol by your adrenal glands. It also suppresses the production of adenosine, which helps you stay calm and depletes your "feel good" chemicals like serotonin.
When we chronically elevate cortisol, we can see the following impacts:
There are also important considerations regarding the quality of the coffee you drink. When the water in our coffee or the coffee itself contains toxins, that impairs fat loss. Here are some recommendations to improve the quality of your coffee:
Aquasana Counter Top Water Filter
The Hormone Reset Diet (Book)
The Hormone Cure (Book)
I hope you enjoyed this Fat to Fit miniseries as much as I did! Today I'll be tackling a few of the most common questions I've received about these nutrition, mindset and fitness episodes.
Before you dive into today's episode, please check out parts 1, 2 and 3. The listener Q&A won't make too much sense if you haven't heard these episodes.
In today's episode I'm tacking some hugely important questions. Listen to the entire episode to hear me answer:
Okay folks, today is the final episode of the Fat to Fit series before our wrap-up Q&A episode.
Before you dive into today's episode, please check out parts 1 and 2:
Today we're looking at fitness for fat loss & 3 pillars of efficient, effective fat loss workouts. I also talk about who SHOULD be incorporating fitness into their fat loss efforts and who shouldn't. Yup, there are certain people who I don't think should be adding fitness into their routine.
I've also put together a series of workouts you can do at home with little (or no) equipment as well as some inexpensive basics you can have at home to make dozens of workouts possible! You can get them for FREE by clicking below.
In today's episode I'm breaking down the 4 primary mistakes I see people making when it comes to the way they approach fitness for fat loss. I go into detail with my thoughts on:
Then we start having a lot of fun. I share what I feel are the 3 pillars of fitness for fat loss and explain how to combine them for maximum fat loss. These 3 pillars are:
Ready for part 2 of our Fat to Fit series? If you missed part 1, which was all about fear and nutrition, you can listen to that episode here.
Today we're diving into mindset. I believe very strongly that fat loss is achieved (or not) only when you conquer the battlefield of your mind.
Unfortunately, most of us spend the majority of our time & energy on trying to white-knuckle changes to our diets or fitness routine. We'd make progress faster if we spent the time understanding & tearing down the barriers between what we want to do & what we actually do in moments of temptation or emotion.
I also shared that between now and the end of April (2016), I'll be sharing a daily question or mantra on Facebook & Instagram to help you implement these mindset strategies at critical points of decision.
You'll absolutely want to listen to this episode if you struggle with:
I'm excited! We're kicking off a new series today! It's called Fat to Fit and I'll be helping you move from wherever you currently are to further along the spectrum towards your goals. This Fat to Fit series is all about sustainable progress.
In part one we're tackling nutrition and looking at the kinds of small, achievable changes you can make to improve your nutrition in a way that leads to more fat loss.
In parts 2 & 3 we'll tackle improvements in mindset & fitness but, for today, we're focusing on food.
You likely fall into one of these categories:
You know what to do but you aren't doing it
You're confused about food & fat loss and aren't sure what changes to make or how
You feel like you're doing what you need to do but you aren't seeing results.
Today's episode will provide strategies and suggestions for all three.
Before we dive into today's episode, I want to acknowledge that improving your food choices for fat loss can be really tough if you don't know what to eat or you're bored with food. I know I used to spend hours on Google looking for fat loss meal ideas only to find that they were either too expensive, used obscure ingredients I didn't have or took WAY too long to make. I'm saving you time & energy! I have curated a list of 100 fat loss meal ideas and dozens of recipes and I'll share them with you for free! Just click the green banner below and they're yours!
Today I am going to share with you some of my own personal weight loss success strategies.
Lately, I've been hearing a lot of comments and getting emails about how people wish they were as motivated as I am or had as much willpower as I do. It is not about motivation or willpower.
There is nothing I have that you don't have, except practice. I have practiced more and I have simplified more.
I'm going to take you inside my personal thought processes and into my daily life to show you these simple things I practice in order to create my own weight loss success strategies (without super human anything).
Let me first share a few high level personal philosophies that set me up for success and then I'll get tactical. Here are my non-negotiable philosophies:
So what does that look like on a day-to-day basis? How to I keep myself on track during the day through the normal ups and downs of life?
I get a lot of questions about fat loss, family & friends. I guess, more specifically, I hear from a lot of people that their family & friends make their fat loss more difficult.
Today, I want to tackle those challenges (and I do believe they can be simply tackled without trading in your friends or abandoning your family).
A lot of this comes down to personal responsibility & understanding that you are the only one controlling what does (or doesn't) go into your mouth.
But, I totally know it's not as easy as simply ignoring other people's comments, questions or challenges. So today we're tackling fat loss, family & friends from both tactical & mindset standpoints.
In today's episode I cover some of the most common challenges I hear about between fat loss, family and friends including:
Quotes in today's episode
If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Today we're having another Primal Potential Book Club episode all about the end of self-sabotage!
I read a lot of books and I'm constantly going through books about health, nutrition & fat loss but I only want to share a book with you when I feel a sense of, "Oh my goodness, they NEED to hear this." I most recently got that feeling with a book that has nothing to do with fat loss, yet EVERYTHING to do with fat loss.
The book is called The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.
The book is written for anyone struggling with internal resistance - excuse making, procrastination, quitting - and is perfect for individuals who are trying to get healthy, burn fat or improve their food choices.
In today's episode I share the passages that moved me the most & discuss how they apply to health & fat loss.
“There's a secret that real writers know that wannabe writers don’t, and the secret is this: It's not the writing part that’s hard. What’s hard is sitting down to write.”
This is 100% true of weight loss. It’s not the good choice that is hard. It’s the thinking about it. The debating. The internal arguing back and forth and the situations you create and battle with in your head.
That’s the secret that most people who have lost weight know that people who haven’t lost weight haven’t yet accepted: It’s not the fat loss part that’s hard. It’s tackling the junk in your head that is hard.
On the very next page he writes,
“Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance.
I think if you have any amount of weight to lose you get this. I think you get this if you feel like food is controlling your life.
It's this sense that there’s the life I am living and the life I plan on living after weight loss. Or, the life I wish I could live if I could just tackle this battle.
What does resistance look like? What does it sound like? As soon as I explain how Pressfield explains it, I think you’ll start to see it pretty clearly in your own life. I know I can. I see it immediately in my clients. It stands out once you recognize it.
“Anything that rejects immediate gratification in favor of long term growth, health or integrity.
Here’s one of the first ah-ha moments I had when I was reading The War of Art:
“Resistance” can be an incredibly valuable tool. If we aren’t sure what we SHOULD be doing – what is BEST for us – look to where the greatest resistance is.
You can USE it in that way. The more important or significant something is, the more resistance we often feel.
That’s so true in weight loss. You know where I’ve seen this most with clients? Alcohol. There is so much resistance to dialing back or working on moderation with alcohol (for some people.)
Where there is the greatest resistance is often a fantastic indicator of where we need to be doing more work,
Now here’s what I think is scary: how does resistance gain strength?
From us. We feed it. We feed it with our fear. It has ABSOLUTELY NO STRENGTH of it’s own unless we fuel it with our fear and our belief and our focus.
We can choose not to do this. We can starve resistance by not giving in to it. When you give in to resistance, it gains power.
One of the most common forms of resistance is procrastination. We aren’t telling ourselves “no”, we’re just saying “later” (even though we know that we don’t do it later.)
I took a picture of the page Pressfield writes about procrastination. Well, just a couple sentences, really.
"NEVER FORGET: This very moment, we can change our lives. This second, we can sit down to do our work."
This second, we can make a good choice. This second, we can do something that will move us forward.
Pressfield writes about sex as a form of resistance – distraction – but I think his argument there is maybe even more true of food – I’m going to read what he wrote but replace the word sex with food, okay? You’ll love this:
“Sometimes resistance takes the form of food, or an obsessive preoccupation with food. Why food? Because food provides immediate and powerful gratification.
Resistance gets a kick out of knowing that it has distracted us with a cheap, easy fix and kept us from doing our work.
Of course not all food is a manifestation of resistance. In my experience, you can tell by the measure of hollowness you feel afterwards. The more empty you feel, the more certain you can be that your true motivation was not real, but Resistance.
Uh – yeah, ya think? The immediate and powerful gratification? The hollowness afterwards?
Yes. And no.
Say no to that. That is fueling resistance.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
I used to talk myself into indulgences & exceptions by saying things like, "This one thing won't hurt" or "it doesn't make a difference." But the small choices can hurt and one thing does make a difference. In today's episode we're talking about how to make the small choices count.
One of the tough things about food choices is that they don't usually have immediate negative consequences but they do often have immediate positive consequences.
What do I mean?
Well, if you have a handful of M&Ms, your pants aren't immediately tighter but you do get an immediate sugar rush.
Imagine if our bodies responded to food the way Pinocchio's nose responded to lies. Whoa. Game changer, right?
Even though we can't see or feel immediate negative consequences, that doesn't mean they aren't there.
Today's episode is a short one but helps you see that nothing is without consequence, nothing is free and everything is either an investment in our health or costs us our health.