I had a particularly motivating morning the other day. However, it didn't start out that way. It started out with an onslaught of self-doubt, excuses and self-imposed limitations.
I am not immune to negativity & excuses. I have just as many doubts & excuses as the next person. Sometimes they win. Often, they don't.
In today's motivational minisode I'm sharing my motivational morning and how I work through real limitations without letting them dictate my decisions.
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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I am so pumped to share a powerful conversation I had with one of my Fat Loss Fast Track clients about body image and the real reasons we want to change our bodies, lives & relationship with food.
On today's episode, Kristi and I talk about how the mental game of nutrition and weight loss has not only changed her body but also her life.
She's brave enough to talk about existing insecurities and what it is that she really wants - why she really wants to lose weight & change her body.
If you have ever had a body image issue, this is an episode you won't want to miss!
Huge thanks to Kristi for her openness and inspiration!
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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I recently sent an email to my Fat Loss Fast Track clients asking them all a direct question: Are you a dropout?
I wanted them to think hard about their level of effort and engagement while giving a lifeline to those who need some extra support & encouragement.
I want to open the lines of communication with every single one of the FLFTers so we can make the rest of the spring FLFT the best of the spring FLFT.
I got some really powerful email responses from folks who have drifted and are struggling. I printed them all out. I studied them and, to the extend that they will let me, I'm working to help all of them become stronger than their excuses.
In today's episode I'm sharing some of their emails with you and talking about mental models to help all of us end the drama, stop sensationalizing our choices & become stronger than our excuses.
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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There are a series of well-worn lies we tell ourselves about binges. There are a series of stories we tell ourselves that aren't true.
They might be familiar, but they certainly aren't true.
Today I want to help you move beyond overeating and binging by shining light on these well-worn lies and stories.
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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I rarely make blanket recommendations. When I talk about nutrition, I'm quick to say that strategies depend on your goals.
When I talk about nutritional improvements, I'm quick to consider someone's baseline. I'm not going to recommend the Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss to someone who is currently eating fast food & candy every day. It would probably be too big a transition for them, right now.
I think that almost all change is relative to the individual and their goals.
However, there are a small list of changes that I think EVERYONE would benefit from, regardless of their goals and their baseline.
In today's episode I'm sharing what those are and why I think they're so important.
The Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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I would bet you have someone you admire. Maybe you admire their discipline, work ethic or attitude. I have people like that, too.
And if you're like me, you might wish you were more "like them". That you thought like they think, act like they act, or have the magical qualities of discipline and motivation that they have.
Been there. Totally get it.
But here's what I know: you can change. You can redefine yourself.
I went from work-place slacker to hard-driving overachiever.
I went from careless spender to disciplined money manager.
I went from emotional yo-yo dieter with zero lasting discipline to consistently healthy eater.
You can redefine yourself. I am still redefining myself and today I'll tell you how.
Breaking Barriers - Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs & Emotional Eating
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Are you battling against yourself? Do you feel like there's this ongoing tug-of-war between your good intentions & your choices?
I did a short fast last week and came out with a really clear understanding that I am NOT ever trying to win a fight against myself.
The notion that there's an internal battle is just an idea. In today's episode I'm walking you through a strategy to end the battle against yourself and approach moments of temptation by realizing there is no battle and you have one clear objective.
Breaking Barriers - Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs & Emotional Eating
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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The market for anti-aging products is exploding. By 2021, it's expected to be a $216 billion dollar industry of lotions, potions, pills, products & procedures.
Companies are looking to capitalize on our deep desire to delay the outward signs of aging.
I have good news: the single most effective (not to mention affordable) anti-aging strategy is at the end of our fork.
I'm not just saying that because I believe in the importance of quality nutrition. It's just true.
The foods we eat are the building blocks of our bodies. Nothing will influence how well (or poorly) we age than the foods we eat.
In today's episode we're talking about the most effective anti-aging nutrition strategies you can start implementing today.
3 Stages of Carbohydrate Intolerance
The Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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We are almost halfway through 2017. It's time for your midterm gut check. How are things going? What is working? In what ways are you contributing to your results or your lack of results?
Do not let another day go by without taking the initiative and being proactive in the achievement of your goals.
This short episode will help you assess what's going right, what's going wrong and help you get fired up to take full advantage of every day. Let's go!
Breaking Barriers - Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs & Emotional Eating
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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It's time for an attitude adjustment. The pursuit of fat loss or fitness is not a competition.
You aren't competing against your friends and you aren't working out to "win" - the comparison trap will screw you up & mess with your head.
Last week I was reminded of this lesson after struggling during a workout. I was frustrated that I finished last until my good friend Nathan reminded me that I'm not competing: I'm training.
The same is true of fat loss. You aren't competing against your friends. You don't need to beat them in order win. You aren't "behind them" if they are progressing more quickly than you are.
In today's episode I'm serving up an attitude adjustment about training, competing, comparison and working on weaknesses. Don't miss it!
Year of Push 2.18 I'm Not Competing
Breaking Barriers - Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs & Emotional Eating
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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There is way too much confusion about carbohydrates. Too many people lump them all in the same category and act as if grams of carbs or calories are the only relevant factor. That's not the case.
Others act as if all carbs are "bad" - also not the case.
Some suggest that carbs are essential and even when pursuing fat loss we should consume multiple servings of quality carbs each day - that is untrue for most people.
Some people suggest that your metabolism works like an accounting system and we need to consume carbs in the morning if we wish to burn them off. That reflects a fundamental misunderstanding about metabolism and macronutrient utilization.
While it can be frustrating to hear conflicting opinions, I have some good news:
In today's episode we're clearing up the confusion and reviewing carbohydrate metabolism & storage for those seeking any degree of fat loss.
Carb Strategies for Fat Loss - E-Course
Why Calorie Counting Doesn't Work
3 Stages of Carbohydrate Intolerance
The Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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We don't make progress because we give up, give in, delay and make excuses when things get hard.
Here's the problem: change feels hardest right before you break through to it becoming easier.
It's easy to start. It's easy to do the work when it's new & you're feeling motivated. If we don't master overcoming inertia - pushing through when it feels hard & we want to quit - we'll remain in the cycle of starting without ever reaching our goals or finding our true potential.
In today's episode we will break down this idea of inertia, talk about how to push through it and demonstrate how things are so much more challenging in our own minds than in the reality of effort, practice & consistency.
Breaking Barriers - Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs & Emotional Eating
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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Today is the day. We are making a strong case against counting calories.
I understand it's easy. I understand it's been "all the rage" for decades.
I also understand it doesn't work.
As Mark Sisson says, the calories in/calories out model is overly simple & dangerously ineffective.
Fortunately, there is a strategy that is both more effective and more accurate.
I hope you'll keep an open & curious mind as we make this compelling case against counting calories!
Why Calorie Counting Doesn't Work
Breaking Barriers - Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs & Emotional Eating
Summer Fat Loss Fast Track Wait List
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