Want to know how to eat carbs without getting fat? Today's episode is all about what happens when you eat carbs and strategies for eating them in a way that reduces the chances they'll be converted to & stored as fat. Plus, we'll talk about the common mistakes that create an internal environment where even small amounts of carbs you consume are converted to & stored as fat.
Carbs aren't bad. That's just not true. The flip side of that is that they are not an essential fuel source, despite what you might have heard. They are, however, quite yummy and can be enjoyed in a way that doesn't lead to weight gain. We're clearing all this up in today's episode so don't miss it!
Q&A 2: What's Your Carb Tolerance
170: 3 Ways To Improve Your Carb Tolerance
199: 3 Stages of Carb Intolerance
378: Is High Protein Metabolically High Carb?
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Do you ever read something that makes you immediately level up your actions or effort? I sure do and I love it when that happens!
I'm no longer intrigued by things that sound nice. I'm only intrigued by things I can act on immediately. I'm intrigued by things that help me improve what I do & how I act. My mind is full of ideas. I think we need to know less but do more.
Today's episode is about something that moved me to action and immediately increased my effort. It's an Instagram post from CrossFit athlete Dan Bailey. After injury and surgery, here's what he had to say:
"Currently a little over 3 weeks out from surgery after rupturing my quad tendon. Still pretty swollen but it’s getting better every week.
Progress isn’t measured in lbs and kilos but centimeters of knee flexion and reduction in swelling (that and setting a goal to bench 4 wheels). Everyday starts with a POD attitude (performance on demand @tosh.crookedbutterfly) meaning, this is the best your going to feel today, even though your knee looks like a softball, that doesn’t really matter, performance is still demanded, so what can you do mentally, physically and spiritually to increase your work capacity? I’d be lying if I said this is what happens everyday but it’s what I shoot for."
What can you do mentally, physically & spiritually to increase your work capacity?
This challenged me and made my day better. Today's episode will do the same for you. Take a listen!
If you want to change your body, you have to change your mind. Your thoughts and perspectives drive your choices & too many people are trying to white-knuckle improved choices without making the adjustment that truly drives change: changing your mind. In today's episode we're talking about making a shift away from a serious detractor from success: searching for solutions outside yourself. It's a distraction and your journey becomes about everything and everyone other than YOU.
Episode 391: Motivation Masterclass
Episode 464: The Most Important Thing
Make sure you're on the free Primal Potential VIP list! Don't miss a single moment of motivation, strategy or a great fat loss recipe!
We live in the information age. Anyone with an opinion can share it with the world and that has led to some major nutrition misunderstandings. Some of these keep us from losing weight, make change harder or keep us from taking action. We're clearing them up today!
We're tackling a whole bunch of topics including:
Make sure you're on the free VIP email list so you don't miss out on motivation, recipes and success strategies!
Episode 469: Is Extended Fasting Healthy?
Episode 470: Anti-Aging Strategies for Fat Loss
Keto Mojo Blood Ketone Monitor
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It's another book club episode! Today we're diving into anti-aging strategies for fat loss & health inside Naomi Whittel's book Glow 15. If you want to feel better, have more energy, look younger, live longer and burn fat, listen to this episode and then go grab the book!
Episode 466: Food As Medicine - Sulfur
It's another book club episode! Today we're diving into anti-aging strategies for fat loss & health inside Naomi Whittel's book Glow 15. If you want to feel better, have more energy, look younger, live longer and burn fat, listen to this episode and then go grab the book!
Episode 466: Food As Medicine - Sulfur
Is extended fasting healthy? Will it put you in starvation mode, lower your metabolism and make you burn muscle? What are the benefits of extended fasting? Who should do it? Who shouldn't? What are the benefits? How do you do it? What can you eat? What can't you eat? How long should a fast be? Is 1 day enough? How long do I have to fast to get benefits?
So many questions about extended fasting and we're tackling them today! Plus, I'll be sharing details of my recent 7 day fast including why I did it, how I felt, what benefits I experienced, if I'd do it again and how I broke my fast.
If you're curious, interested or even skeptical, make sure to check out this episode!
The Complete Guide To Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung & Jimmy Moore
Pink Himalayan Sea Salt from Thrive Market
If you decide to give Thrive Market a try, make sure you go through the link: thrivemarket.com/primalpotential because you'll save an additional 25% + get free shipping on your first order AND you'll get a free 30-day trial membership!
The other night I hosted a free, live webinar to share 3 specific changes you can make TODAY to make creating change in your life easier. The reality is, we're making it too hard. Maybe we don't even realize there's an easier way, but there is. If you take the time to listen, I have no doubt you'll make faster progress and it will feel like less of a struggle or fight against yourself.
One of my favorite parts of my 12 week coaching groups is when I get to chat on the phone with people, talk about where they are at and collaborate on creating solutions.
Last week I had a powerful conversation about how our thoughts & words are like a compass - the point us in a given direction. We can really accelerate our progress when we consider the direction in which a given thought or declaration points us.
In this conversation, my client shared that she was often writing in her journal, "The day is already off to a bad start."
Given that all declarations are directional and that declaration is a compass - which direction does that declaration point to?
Certainly not the way she wants to go...
I think you're really going to enjoy this conversation!
Ready for another Food As Medicine episode? I'm really psyched for this one because I'm VERY passionate about sulfur-rich veggies like brussels sprouts & broccoli. I have no doubt that they have transformed my health.
Today we are talking about everything from skin health to metabolism, detoxification, hormones, arthritis & asthma. Plus, we'll go into how you can make these veggies super delicious if you're not usually a big veggie fan.
Register for the Making Change Easier webinar!
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Previous episode: Carbohydrate Spillover
Previous episode: Carbohydrate Tolerance
Q&A 7: Cholesterol Is Not The Culprit
There is no circumstance that takes away your ever-present super power: the power of choice.
No matter how much time you have, how much stress you're under, how upset you are or how inconsistent your past has been, you still hold the transformative power of choice.
It's always with you.
In today's episode we're talking about a major barrier to change: elevating your circumstances, diminishing yourself and convincing yourself that you are small & powerless in the face of things that happen to and around you.
It's just not true. Today, we're taking your power back. Today, you'll refuse to diminish yourself and step into your power.
The other day I listened to Dan Heath share a story about college professors. It really moved me & inspired this episode. Here's a quick summary of the story he told.
A group of college professors were asked what one or two things they'd want their students to remember 10 years later. Of all the things they'd teach, what was most important that they carry with them, understand or know how to do years into the future?
The professors all shared their answers.
Then, they were asked what percentage of their syllabus was dedicated to teaching that thing.
Very little, it turned out. Not nearly enough.
I thought about that question. If there was ONE SINGLE THING I could impress upon you guys with my podcast, one single skill, habit or mindset that I could guarantee you mastered and carried with you, what would it be?
Today, I'm sharing that thing with you.
I'm also promising to talk about & teach this thing much more regularly.
Enjoy the episode! If you have questions or there are parts of it you want me to go more deeply into, make sure to leave a comment!
Join the wait list for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track!
Want to give Thrive Market a try? Register through the link thrivemarket.com/primalpotential & you'll save an extra 25% + get free shipping on your first order!
The Power of Moments by Chip & Dan Heath
Just because you could lose more weight or you want to lose more weight, doesn't mean you're a failure if you aren't seeing results.
We need to stop being ashamed of maintenance or plateaus.
We need to see them as critical parts of the process that shouldn't be fought or rushed.
One of the best ways to ensure the change you've worked hard to create is permanent is to prove your ability to maintain it. Periods of maintenance can & should happen along the path to progress.
Furthermore, it's beyond okay if weight loss isn't your objective at all times. You can have other priorities while you hold the line.
I am super fired up to share today's episode with you. You've got to take a listen!
My travel habits used to be a complete nightmare. I'd binge in airports, overeat on roadtrips and justify every indulgence because I was out of my normal routine.
All the while, I'd make myself empty (yet well intentioned) promises about how "on point" I'd be when I returned home.
I'd return home from vacations, business trips or road trips feeling exhausted, defeated and tremendously disappointed in myself.
I was both physically & emotionally heavier than when I had left.
Because of this habit, I feared travel. I felt like it was impossible to make progress towards my goals, impossible to avoid derailing, when I was away from home.
But, I successfully transformed my travel habits & in today's episode I'm going to share with you the steps I took to create the change.
Get on the wait list for the Spring 2018 Fat Loss Fast Track!
Avoiding Travel Trainwrecks Part 1
I used to fear travel. For me, based on my past experiences, travel was a time for overeating, overindulging, and making all sorts of pledges about how I'll "get serious" when I return home.
I'd return exhausted, frustrated, feeling bad about my body and completely overwhelmed by all the changes I wanted to make.
In the past few years, I have transformed my travel habits.
Over the next two episodes I'll share how I made those changes (without restriction, deprivation or missing out) and I'll also address some of your biggest travel fears & frustrations.
Thanks to everyone who shared questions and struggles for this episode!
Get on the wait list for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track!
Here are the products I mentioned I travel with from Thrive Market. If you give them a try, register through the URL thrivemarket.com/primalpotential so you can save an extra 25% and get free shipping on your 1st order. You'll also get a free 30-day trial membership!
Why is it that we hold others to higher standards than those to which we hold ourselves?
Why is it unacceptable for others to break promises to us but we let ourselves off the hook for it every day?
Is it not a little hypocritical to demand change from others before demanding it of ourselves?
Today's episode is short and powerful. I hope you'll take a listen and then take action.
Last week I was interviewed about the role of mindset - the way we think and make decisions - in our quest to create change.
I talked about the most common mistakes I see that hold people back and some simple strategies to overcome them. Plus, I talk about my journey, my childhood and how I created massive change and improvement in my own life.
When the full interview becomes available, I'll be sure to share on Instagram where you can find it. For now, this episode is a great one!
Join the Fat Loss Fast Track Spring 2018 wait list!
Ready to change your mindset and make massive change? Enroll in Breaking Barriers - the self-guided e-course on overcoming self-limiting beliefs and getting out of your own way!
I am beyond excited for this 2nd episode in the Food As Medicine series of the podcast! Today we are talking about turmeric and it's active components, curcuminoids.
Curcumin has long been used to fight inflammation but it does so much more than that! We'll explore the role of turmeric in cell health, inflammation, skin health, depression, cognitive function and more!
We'll differentiate between turmeric root and turmeric powder, talk about how to identify a quality supplement and I'll even share a few recipes.
Get on the wait list for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track!
Tomato & Turmeric Shot
Blend 1 tsp of tomato paste with 1 cup hot water and 1/4 inch peeled turmeric root
Tomato & Turmeric Root Soup
Puree the following ingredients:
2 cups water
1 clove roasted garlic
1 inch peeled turmeric root
Here's the tomato paste I get from Thrive Market. If you register through the link thrivemarket.com/primalpotential you can save 25% on your first order and get free shipping and a free 30-day trial membership!
Other turmeric products from Thrive Market:
We've become too passive in our own lives. We go with the flow instead of stepping up to be in charge of the journey.
Today's episode is a call to be warrior in your own life. It's a call to stop being a victim of your circumstances, to stop acting as if stepping into your potential is a burden or a chore - it is the purpose of your life and the path to a much more fulfilling version of yourself.
Here's to becoming a warrior!
Breaking Barriers - Overcoming Emotional Eating
The Emperor's Handbook - Marcus Aurelius
21 Day Sugar Detox Salmon Cakes Recipe
Two completely random things inspired me this week. They reminded me of how I'm probably the least likely person on the planet to end up with a podcast about fat loss.
My journey has been hard. It's been full of struggle. And yet, I'm here.
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song" ~ Mike Posner
I hope you'll take a listen to this inspired episode about my heart, my mission and my passion.
For the past couple weeks, I've been challenging myself to eat more raw vegetables. I wanted to see if there was an impact on my digestion and my energy levels. There has been.
In today's episode I'm going to talk about the pros & cons of raw vegetables, which ones you should eat raw and which ones are best prepared cooked (from a nutritional standpoint).
I'm going to share the changes I've made recently, specifically how I'm incorporating raw vegetables and what benefits I've noticed.
I hope you enjoy the episode!
Register for Thrive Market via thrivemarket.com/primalpotential to save an additional 25% and get free shipping on your first order (and a free 30-day trial membership!)
What does meditation have to do with weight loss? Anything?
I say with strong conviction: a lot!
First and foremost, meditation decreases cortisol levels. Chronically elevated cortisol levels impair decision making, increase hunger, increase cravings, impair sleep and blunt insulin responsiveness.
But: meditation takes time. It's hard. Most people suck at it. Those are the most common objections I hear.
If you've ever had those frustrations or if you've wondered about meditation, you will want to hear this episode!
Primal Potential Episode 453: The Impact of Stress
Learn more about Transcendental Meditation or find an instructor near you
Two of the biggest threats to your metabolism & overall health are chronic stress and overeating. Interestingly, chronic stress drives overeating and overeating creates additional stress. It's what's known as a "feed forward" cycle.
In today's episode we're talking about how stress (physical and emotional) drives appetite and cravings while impairing your ability to make sound decisions.
Most importantly, we'll be talking about dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to not only reduce the chronic stressors in your life but also improve your response to them.
The wait list for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track is now open!
To give Thrive Market a try, use the URL thrivemarket.com/primalpotential to save an additional 25% on your first order, get free shipping on that initial order and get a free 30-day trial membership!
Subscribe to Primal Potential Daily Bites and listen to the daily messages on your Echo or Dot!
Earlier in the week, I shared a post on Instagram that got a lot of people talking. It said: create a life you don't need to escape from.
I dove deeper into this idea that you need to create a life you don't want or need to escape from on the blog, but many people requested that I go even deeper on the podcast, and that's what we're doing today!
Join the wait list for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track
The other night, I was sitting on the couch around 8pm and all I could think about was that I wanted some chocolate.
I was actively talking myself into it, making a case for it, justifying it (successfully) and planning what I would get & where I would get it.
Suddenly, I realized that just like I could talk myself into wanting chocolate, I could talk myself into not wanting it.
I didn't have to rely on self-discipline or willpower, but I could simply make a case for why I didn't want it.
In today's episode I'll show you exactly how I did that and how you can use this approach - willpower & self-discipline not required!
Subscribe to the Primal Potential Daily Bites Alexa Skill!
To save on coconut products through Thrive Market, make sure you register through the URL thrivemarket.com/primalpotential - that way you'll save an additional 25% on your first order plus get free shipping and a 30-day trial membership!
Thrive Market: Spectrum Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil