I'm excited to kick off a new series on the podcast: Food As Medicine!
Every couple of weeks I'll be featuring one food or ingredient and sharing it's medicinal benefits!
This series is in no way meant to replace Western medicine but there is absolutely room for both approaches!
In today's episode, we're talking about the medicinal benefits of coconut. Don't miss it!
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Tough love episode coming at you! It's time to raise the bar, expect more from yourself and finally get beyond that struggle you've been working on for far too long!
Wait List for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track is now open!
Instead of differentiating between food & drink, what if you saw them both as fuel?
That glass of wine is fuel. Does your body need fuel?
What happens when you give your body excess fuel?
It has to be stored.
In today's episode I'm taking you inside my inbox to hear a response to a listener who is differentiating between her food choices and her drinking choices.
The wait list for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track is now open!
Episode 445 - Using Values To Create Change
Episode 329: A Case Against Counting Calories
Episode 062: 4 reasons Calorie Counting Doesn't Work
You can convince yourself of nearly anything. In fact, everything you believe, you've convinced yourself of through your thoughts, attention & actions.
In today's episode, we're exploring how you can turn this into an unstoppable force to help you create change & crush your goals. It's a short episode you won't want to miss!
The wait list for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track is now open!
How to subscribe to Primal Potential Daily Bites
Here's a link to those NUCO Coconut Wraps. I purchase them from Thrive Market because that's where I get the best prices. If you want to give Thrive Market a try, go through the URL thrivemarket.com/primalpotential so you can save 25% and get free shipping on your 1st order, plus a free 30-day trial membership!
Does bulletproof coffee help you burn fat? Should you be drinking it? Does it matter how you make it?
Should you use coconut oil or MCT oil? Does it matter?
What if your butter isn't grassfed?
What kind of coffee should you use? Does it matter?
Is it breakfast? Can you have food with it?
These are the questions we're tackling in today's episode! Don't miss it!
The wait list for the Spring Fat Loss Fast Track is now open!
Below are the products I use to make my bulletproof coffee. I purchase them from Thrive Market because that's where I get the best prices. If you want to give Thrive Market a try, go through the URL thrivemarket.com/primalpotential so you can save 25% and get free shipping on your 1st order, plus a free 30-day trial membership!
Use that link to create your account and then you can check out some of these items:
Grass Fed Ghee from Organic Valley
Spectrum Essentials Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil
One of my Fat Loss Fast Track clients shared an article that inspired me like crazy. In today's episode, I'm sharing it with you and I hope that it not only challenges you, but I hope it leads you to put in place some actions that will change your life, your opportunities and your potential.
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The most dangerous excuses are true. The reason they keep winning out over your goals & intentions might be because you realize they are true so you don’t fight against them. You equate “true” and “right”.
Just because something is true doesn’t mean it’s the most true thing or the only true thing.
We’ve got to stop making assumptions & choosing the most convenient truth.
When it comes to making choices & pursuing our goals, we often don’t tell ourselves the whole truth. We don’t even consider the whole truth.
It’s time to slow down, work to be less impulsive, less reactive and consider the whole picture.
In today's episode we're exploring how you can start doing that today.
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Earlier in the week I got an email asking, "Why aren't beans paleo?"
It's a great question & one we're diving into in today's episode.
We'll talk about macronutrients - are beans really a good source of protein? Do they have a lot of carbs?
We'll talk about micronutrients - can your body actually absorb & utilize the iron & zinc you see listed on the nutrition label?
We'll also talk about other components in beans and how they interact with our bodies at the cellular level.
If you're a bean eater, this is a must-hear episode!
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Our lives are busy. We all have a lot going on. And, unfortunately, that often means we aren't achieving our most important goals.
When we aren't intentional about the highest priorities in our lives, we can easily become victims of our circumstances, feeling that there isn't enough time or energy to do what we should be doing.
That needs to change. That can change.
Creating change doesn't require that your life be stress free and your days be wide open.
It just requires that we not let the things that matter most be at the mercy of the things that matter least.
If something has disproportionate importance, it needs disproportionate priority.
In today's episode we're talking about how to make this philosophy a reality that is reflected in your choices & your actions and we're talking about the ideas in the book The ONE Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan.
The ONE Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan
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At times, we all feel stuck. Or unhappy. Or both.
In today's episode I'm talking about the danger of participating in our own problems instead of participating in the solutions.
When we complain, blame, rehash the past, gossip, explain & justify, we are participating in the problem, not the solution.
When we participate in the problem, our energy, attention, time & effort are going to proving that we are right and that our struggle is real instead of going towards getting it right, regardless of the details.
This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite episodes of the podcast so far. You've got to hear this one!
Episode 116: 5 Meals Under $1.99
Episode 066: Healthy Eating On A Budget
Give Thrive Market a try to get past the problem of access to affordable, healthy food!
If you go through the URL thrivemarket.com/primalpotential you can save an additional 25% of your first order with free shipping & a free 30-day trial membership!
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I know how frustrating & confusing it can be to hear conflicting information about what you should eat and why.
Lots of people feeling stuck & paralyzed by indecision because they don't know who or what to believe.
In today's episode I want to help you clear through the confusion and find your best approach to health, fat loss, energy, longevity and your best, healthiest life.
I've tackled this topic on a few other podcasts which are linked below under "Resources".
I hope you enjoy the episode! Share it with a friend who is confused about nutrition!
353: The Coconut Oil Controversy
21 Day Sugar Detox Salmon Cake Recipe
Want to give Thrive Market a try? Head to thrivemarket.com/primalpotential and you'll save an additional 25% on your first order plus you'll score free shipping and a free 30-day trial membership! My go-tos over there are:
Primal Kitchen Chipotle Lime Mayo
Wild Caught Canned Salmon
Organic Walnuts
Nuco Coconut Wraps
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For most people, eating out is a struggle when they're trying to lose weight.
Maybe you feel like your options are limited or if you make a "healthy" choice, you're making a sacrifice and won't enjoy it.
Sure, we all know that we could get a salad or a burger without the bun and if that's the extent of the options we think we have, of course we feel limited!
There are so many other creative ways to enjoy eating out, love your food and feel great after you eat it!
Today's episode is a short one but hopefully it will give you some great new ideas for the next time you eat out!
091: Eating Out For Weight Loss
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We are so used to overthinking, overconsuming, overanalyzing and coming up with long term strategic plans that we've forgotten how to simplify.
I had a listener email me recently saying that she wants to stop dieting. She wants to get healthy. She doesn't want to over-restrict or count anything, she just wants to eat more real food and less processed foods.
Then she said, "I have no idea where to start".
That is evidence of how far we've strayed from simplicity.
Where she starts is, quite simply: how can I execute that today? What can I do today to eat more whole foods? What can I do today to eat fewer processed foods?
But simplicity is not just about food.
We've lost simplicity in our belongings. In our thoughts. In our actions.
And today, we begin to get it back. Don't miss this episode!
Episode 410: More Simple, More Results
Episode 397: Bright Lines & Setting Standards
If you're ready to give Thrive Market a try, register through thrivemarket.com/primalpotential for some added perks like:
Here's the salt lamp I talked about on the show!
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One of you lovely listeners emailed me the other day to request that I do more of my "Inside EB's inbox" episodes where I share my responses to some recent emails!
That's what we're doing today! We're covering a ton of topics from breakfast meal ideas & recipes to what to do when you don't trust yourself and differentiating between needs of the mind (stress relief) and needs of the body (fuel).
So much good stuff in today's episode!
Breakfast Resources:
Q&A 6 How To Make Breakfast A Fat Burning Meal
115: Breakfast Recipes & Questions
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Let's stop fighting against ourselves & relying on discipline and willpower to create change.
I believe that one of the most simple things we can do to make change easier and dramatically accelerate our rate of progress is: ask better questions.
Tim Ferriss says that if you want uncommon results, ask uncommonly clear questions.
Tony Robbins says that the quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask yourself. I'll add to that "and the honesty with which you answer & frequency with which you ask"!
We are doing that work today! Don't miss it!
Join the Winter Fat Loss Fast Track!
Today's Questions
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In his new book, Tribe of Mentors, Tim Ferriss asks 11 questions of some of the brightest minds & top performers in the world. The book is a collection of their answers.
In today's episode, though I certainly don't consider myself one of the brightest minds, I'm answering the 11 questions
I'd love to hear your answers! The 11 questions are below - post in the comments with your answer to one or more of them!
Join the Winter Fat Loss Fast Track!
11 Questions From Tribe of Mentors
Links to Items Mentioned In Today's Episode
The Obstacle Is The Way
The Motivation Manifesto
Chasing Excellence
Atlas Shrugged
The Power of Moments
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