We talk about insulin a lot with regards to blood sugar and diabetes. We even talk about it with regards to weight. However, we don't talk about it enough in terms of it's impact on our organs, cancer, brain health and longevity. We're changing that today!
I am so excited to tackle today's Q&A especially because there's one about making assumptions and DESERVING the life you want!
Here are the questions we're tackling today:
Today's episode is brought to you by Four Sigmatic! To learn more about them and to see my favorites, click here.
You know what to change but knowing how to change (and getting yourself to do it) is an entirely different thing!
'The Climb' is a bonus episode I just couldn't wait to share with you! Initially, I planned for this to be a December episode. However, as soon as the conversation started, I knew I had to release it now!
In today's bonus episode, you're goimg to hear from one of my 12 Weeks to Transformation clients about how she created a massive shift in her life that has her feeling 100 times happier and far more hopeful.
In it, she shares that prior to the 12 WT, she felt she was trying to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in flip flops - totally unprepared and unsuccessful.
Now, she feels prepared for 'the climb'. She feels like the 12 WT equipped her with boots, a plan, a strategy, a backpack, etc.
Don't miss today's episode!
Tips to help you shift from knowing, planning and hoping into consistent, result-producing action!
To register for the Fall 12 Weeks to Transformation, please click here.
Today we're talking how to get out of your head, slow down and make better decisions! All your listener questions today! Don't miss it!
If you're here to join the Fall 12 Weeks to Transformation, click here!
Here's the list of questions we're tackling today:
Today's giveaway winner gets a free year's subscription to Simple Habits - the meditation app I'm loving. You can try it for free OR save 30% on your subscription by visiting them here.
Today you're going to hear from one of my clients who has lost over 100 pounds - you'll hear about how she learned to maintain her priorities even as her circumstances changed.
If you have any change you want to create, don't miss these 3 rules for success!
Today we're talking fear of failure, fear of trying again and creating change after failure. It's another Q&A episode with EB and Sarah! Here are the questions we're tackling in today's episode:
Looking to register for the 12 Weeks to Transformation? Let's go! Now is the time!
Today's episode is brought to you by Fabletics! Shop now and save big through fabletics.com/primalpotential/
Today you will hear from a dear friend and client who created total transformation in every area of her life with exclusively SMALL steps!
Big change does not require big steps!
If you want to learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation and get on the wait list to register, click here!
Today's episode is brought to you by Fabletics! Shop via fabletics.com/primalpotential to get 2 pairs of leggings for $24!
Raising a daughter - such a huge opportunity and responsibility! Today I'm sharing the 3 primary thoughts I have as I begin this adventure!
Mentioned in today's episode: Primal Potential Episode 624
To learn more about how I'm removing my health and financial limits, you can join this private FB group where I share more about it, answer questions and post videos.
Don't miss our 3 New Rules for Success webinar! Mark your calendars for Wednesday September 11th @ 8pm EST! Click here to get registered - it's totally free!
Today's episode is brought to you by Thrive Market! You can get a free 30-day trial membership and save 20% on your first order by shopping through thrivemarket.com/primalpotential
Are you in a rut? Today we're tackling ruts and other awesome listener questions. If you have a question or topic for the show, you can submit it here.
Here are the questions addressed in today's episode:
If you want to learn more about the Fall 12 Weeks to Transformation, make sure you're on the wait list!
We have a totally free webinar coming up on Wednesday Sept 11th at 8pm ET on the 3 new rules for success. Make sure you're registered!
Today we're diving into 10 things you NEED to know about improving your health! These are huge areas of optimization that most people don't even know of!
If you want to learn more about my parternship with WITH mental wellness creating health & healing via the microbiome, you can join this private Facebook group.
To get on the wait list for the Fall 12 Weeks to Transformation and to learn more about the 12 WT process, click here or the button below.
Possibility. We need to explore that more. What is possible? How much remains unknown because we quit, stopped trying or were inconsistent? Where, how or who could you be if you did your best?
Today on the show I'm talking to one of my current 12 Weeks to Transformation clients and we have an amazing conversation about choosing to be limitless - about choosing to remove the limits we have accepted or imposed.
If you want to start living for what is possible, make sure you're on the wait list for the Fall 12 Weeks to Transformation!
Mentioned in this Episode:
Atomic Habits by James Clear