I love talking about money and financial strategy - do you? Today I'm sharing what I consider to be my 5 best money moves.
I think I'll be listening to the first 10 minutes of this podcast a few times a week until the end of the year! If you need a little pep talk, tune in!
Want to try GBXProtein? Check it out here and use the code BENTON at checkout to save $10 on your first order!
This is a short episode, but SUCH an important one around the idea of your comfort zone, your expectations, your ideals and how you're thinking about each of these. It was inspired by a post on social media that said:
"When you're not used to being confident, confidence feels like arrogance.
When you're used to being passive, assertiveness feels like aggression.
When you're not used to getting your needs met, prioritizing yourself feels selfish.
Ever feel like you have things that motivate you but they don't keep you motivated or they only motivate you sometimes? Or that even when you feel motivated, you don't execute? That's what we're diving into today!
I'm also giving away GBX Protein - if you haven't tried it, give it a go and let me know what you think! I mix some into my greek yogurt for a protein boost in the morning and I have at least one protein smoothie each day! The code BENTON at checkout will save you $10 on your first order!
Today you get to hear from one of my clients who created a ton of success for her health, her family and her relationships by embracing the idea of becoming a more mature thinker. I know you're going to love this conversation!
Hear an update on how I'm approaching postpartum fat loss plus we are talking about snacking, binging and more!
Join me in the Primal Potential FB group to learn more about my postpartum fat loss journey!
Mood+ (use the code BENTON at checkout to save $10 on your first order!
Kids Mood (use the code BENTON at checkout to save $10 on your first order!
Today I have a special guest on the show and we're going to talk about one of my biggest mindset breakthroughs (and how it initially came to me regarding my beliefs about money and opportunity).
Whether you have money blocks or blocks in any other area, you aren't going to want to miss this one!
Be sure to connect with @Becsadek on Instagram!
We are tackling your questions today and they're all leading us to a convo about how we can simplify success and increase our chances of execution. This is one you'll come back to!
Today we're giving away Kids Mood. If you want to check it out, here's the link and be sure to use the code BENTON to save $10 on your first order.
If you are interested in or concerned about aging, hunger, body weight, cravings, hormones, cardiovascular health or infertility, I think you're going to love this episode as much as I do! Don't miss it!
Mentioned In Today's Episode:
Chris Kresser is a resource I love on this topic
Also check out @glucosegoddess on IG for her great content!
Your hormones control your ability to burn fat. They can put you in fat storing mode or fat burning mode. But most people don't know whether or not their hormones are balanced! It's easier than you think! Our hormones are CONSTANTLY signaling us and letting us know when there is a problem, we just don't know how to interpret the signals! In today's episode we talk about how you can quickly identify if your hormones are balanced, which hormones are out of balance and we talk about specific steps to take to achieve balance where you need it most!
Lately, we've been eating out dramatically more than usual and, to be honest, it was stressing me out. I came up with an unconventional strategy around it and I'm breaking it down for you today! I can't wait to hear what you think!
The great majority of us know what we "should" do or what we want to do to improve our health, finances, careers or relationships.
But the "doing it" part...navigating life when we don't feel like it or we're stressed or circumstances get in our way...that's where the struggle comes in.
However, consistency isn't a mythical unicorn. It's a set of skills that can be practiced and improved. However, most people aren't aware of those skills because they're too busy focusing on the things they want to do.
Enter: The Consistency Course.
I go through the details in today's bonus episode and as of now, there are a handful of spots available for enrollment into The Consistency Course. Spots won't re-open until 2023.
Here's the link to grab your spot!
Do you ever feel like you're stuck behind your excuses, your past patterns or even your circumstances? Not for long, once you listen to today's episode!
If you're not already, make sure you're on the wait list for The Consistency Course!
As you know, for the next several weeks we're going back to some listener favorite episodes. Today we're going back to the beginning of the podcast with a primer on the link between your hormones and fat loss.
I know I've been quiet for a while - there's been a lot going on! Our identical twin girls were born on 8/8/22 at 1:36pm. They came very early at just 27 weeks. They didn't even wait for the 3rd trimester to begin! Tune in for the details. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! (see my instagram @elizabethbenton for pictures)
Still making the same excuses even though you KNOW they're holding you back? This one is for you!
If you aren't yet, be sure to get on the wait list for The Consistency Course!
This is a listener favorite that I know will add value upon hearing a second, third or twenty-third time! Who doesn't need a little help creating a breakthrough?!
I've been told, by at least a half dozen doctors, that I'd probably never get pregnant naturally. And yet, I've managed to get pregnant very quickly (and naturally) 3x at nearly 36, 37 and 38 years old. There were a handful of things I did (especially this last time prior to conceiving the twins) that I feel confident improved my fertility and I'm breaking them all down, in detail, on today's episode!
Mentioned In Today's Episode:
For the next handful of weeks, Saturday shows will be "best of" shows, featuring listener favorite episodes as well as some of my favorites, too! We never want to get too far from the basics!
To work with me inside The Consistency Course, click here!
For the next handful of weeks, Saturday shows are going to feature some of my favorite episodes and your favorites too! This week is BOTH! Whether you've heard it before or not, this one deserves a re-listen!
Do you think there is an actual formula for consistency, where you can see which variable needs to be adjusted in order for you to succeed? I think there is and we're diving into it today! Plus, I'm sharing 5 things I do when I'm struggling with consistency.
If you want to join The Consistency Course, click here!
Diving into your amazing questions today - we're covering thoughts around food, when something seems to be all you can think about, how I started my business and my favorite ways to measure health (that don't include the scale).
Mentioned In Today's Episode:
Relief+(use the code BENTON at checkout to save $10 on your first order)
I recently had a tough conversation with someone in which I shared, "There's a big difference between fighting to be healthy and just trying not to be too unhealthy."
This person believed they were trying to be healthy. But, in reality, they were just trying not to be too unhealthy and the difference was massive.
These two paths won't take you to the same destination.
Plus, this isn't just true in health. It's true in marriage, business, money, fitness and more.
This episode might just change the game for you!
I had an awesome convo with one of my clients this week and we identified a common mistake she was (unknowingly) making that was getting in the way of her progress. We're chatting through it today along with your great questions about the "I deserve it" mentality, putting others first (and not making yourself a priority), knowing where to start when there's a lot on your plate and more!
Mentioned In Today's Episode:
Probiotics - the code BENTON at checkout will save you $10 on your first order!