Have you ever made progress toward a goal and then felt like you went backwards?
Gained weight after weight loss?
Lost fitness or endurance after illness or injury?
Accumulated debt after reducing it?
Today we are talking tools and responses to any kind of setback! I'm obsessed with this topic!
Someone asked me how I "avoid" the worry spiral, and I'm sharing my top tools for those moments of stress and worry that confront me often.
Plus, we're diving into the idea of your mental model (and if it's working for you), daily goals, an update on the twins and more!
About 6 months ago, I started tracking a health metric I hadn't tracked before. It's a technical one, so today we're breaking it down and talking all things heart rate variability!
Even though we technically hit this major milestone awhile ago, it's still cool to "officially" be in the 1000s of episode numbers! We made it! I couldn't have done it without you. We're all over the place today, even touching on some criticism the show received recently. Enjoy this one and thanks for making Primal Potential possible!
Mentioned In Today's Episode
Ignite (use code BENTON at checkout to save $10 on your first order)
I believe that one of the most pervasive forms of "laziness" is not taking action because you "don't know" how to start or what to do. Today, as it relates to more money and additional streams of income, we're tackling that 'issue'.
What a week it's been! We unexpectedly ended up at Johns Hopkins this week to have surgery on the twins in utero. I didn't record a Saturday episode before we left and I didn't bring a microphone in our frantic rush to pack and get to Baltimore, but I jumped on my phone to give you an update. Back to our normal programming on Monday. Love you guys!
A few months back, I shared one of my personal standards for making money decisions. A listener wrote in and asked if I'd share some of my standards around health, wealth and relationships. So, today I'm sharing what my standards are, how they help and how I apply them on a regular basis.
Hormones run the show. Sure, what we eat matters a lot. How much we eat matters a lot. Our stress, sleep and movement matter a lot.
But hormones run the show. They drive appetite, cravings, fat storage (and location of fat storage), mood, irritability, workout recovery, libido and so, so much more.
Often, optimizing your hormones can mean fewer cravings, fat loss, increased motivation, decreased depression and anxiety, better sleep, fewer headaches and overall better quality of life. Fortunately, there's so much we can do to support our hormones. Much, if not most, is within our control (regardless of our age!) Nutrition is a powerful tool, as is stress management, sleep, avoiding toxins and targeted supplementation.
Today we're talking about a brand new tool designed specifically to help you support your hormones.*
IGNITE is now available. Make sure to listen to the episode for all the details, expectations, mechanisms of action and common results.
You can get yours here and use the coupon code BENTON to save $10 on your first order.
*Dietary supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
I've been going back and forth with some clients over the excuses that hold them back from consistency and I'm excited to share some of my perspectives on how to overcome those thoughts and barriers. Plus, as always, we're diving into your great questions!
The brand new hormone is now live! Listen to the BONUS EPISODE I just released called "Bonus: Are Your Hormones Jacked Up?" to get all the details and click here to order. Remember, if this is your first order, use the code BENTON to save $10.
You have clear intentions, goals and aspirations, but you aren't executing in a way that's getting you where you want to go (at least not at the pace you want). Today we're diving into 2 approaches that will help you eliminate the gap between what you want and doing what it takes to get you there.
I'm touching on some of the key teachings from a webinar I did the other night on creating consistency for the serial starter. I think you're going to LOVE this! Chock full of strategies and new approaches!
To learn more about The Consistency Course or to get on the wait list if it's full, visit:
You guys are bringing the heat with your questions today! We're diving into all of them, including:
Today's winner is getting Energy+, if you want to try it, make sure to enter the code BENTON at checkout to save $10 on your first order!
If you're doubting yourself or your ability to make progress toward a goal you have, don't miss the first part of this episode!
Plus, I'm answering your questions about the biggest challenge I've ever faced, how I 'overcome' it and we're having a great conversation about implementing honesty, maturity and specificity (in your own thinking).
Mentioned In Today's Episode:
Edge (the code BENTON saves you $10 on your first order)
We're going into the science today and looking at a few things you're (likely) doing that are messing with your metabolism, your energy and your chances of developing some pretty serious diseases as you age.
Everyone needs to hear today's episode!
Mentioned In Today's Episode:
Sleep Plus (the code BENTON saves you $10 on your first order)
We're talking about a lot of things today, but starting with some of my non toxic recommendations after last Saturday's controversial topics episode. We're also sharing a bit about being an effective communicator (especially with yourself) and when you haven't been "able" to get past a certain point of progress historically.
Mentioned In Today's Episode
Fatco.com (try using the code PRIMAL at checkout - not sure it still works but worth a try!)
Get on the wait list for our two exciting new resources for consistency!
GBXProtein (use the code BENTON at checkout to save $10 on your first order)
Relief+ (code BENTON saves you $10 on your first order)
Get ready for a breakthrough, served with a few tangible tools to get past what you currently believe about yourself. The season of "I'm such an all or nothing person" and "I'm a perfectionist" are over. This is a must-listen episode for anyone who wants to change any habit or behavior!
Chris is back on the show today and we're giving a little life update and diving into money, family, business and excuses that might be in your way!
Ever feel like you have more things to get done than you have time in which to do them?
Tough love truth: you can use your time better. We all can.
Recently, I was inspired by the notion of "impact hours" and "impact activities" and it's helping me in a way I REALLY needed help!
Here's a link to the book I reference in today's show! I hope you enjoy it!
The topics today are MONEY! We're talking about self-sabotage, diet trauma, FOMO and what to do when your partner isn't on board with your health changes.
Also, if you want to check out my daily staple protein powder (I'm obsessed) click here and use the code BENTON at checkout to save $10 on your first order!
Last month was Financial Literacy Month and I continue to be shocked by how many people aren't taking daily action to improve their financial situations. Not to mention the number of people who think that financial freedom isn't for them because they are too old, too young, not educated enough or don't have enough time. They're all wrong and it's hurting their health, their futures and so much more. Please, listen to this episode and commit to taking daily action!
If there's some goal you're struggling to puruse, this is an episode for you!
Today we are giving away my favorite probiotic, and if you listen to the episode, you'll understand why I'm such a big fan of this in support of a weight loss goal! Use the code BENTON to save $10 on your first order!