If you feel stuck, frustrated, confused or like you aren't seeing the progress you want, don't miss these 5 dietary changes for faster results.
The key to today's episode lies in not seeking new information but in measuring your own consistent implementation of what you already know but aren't yet doing.
Often, we sift through information evaluating what we know instead of what we're consistently doing.
If we know something already, we gloss over it, whether we're consistently doing it or not.
Today that stops. As you listen to these 5 dietary changes for faster results, I don't want you thinking of what you know or what you don't, I want you evaluating what you're doing consistently and what you're not.
As you hear each strategy, ask yourself the following questions:
While there are dozens of dietary changes you could make to accelerate your fat loss progress or improve your body composition, today we're talking about the following:
Q&A 6: How To Make Breakfast A Fat Burning Meal
Episode 115: More on Breakfast
Episode 025: Pros & Cons of Dairy
Episode 128: Is Dairy Slowing Your Progress
E-Course: Carb Strategies for Sustainable Fat Loss
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