I'm sure you've heard that comparison is the thief of joy yet most of us manufacture insecurity & shame by comparing ourselves to others.
In today's episode we're talking about why it's so important to keep your eyes on your own work but also HOW to do it. It seems like we almost automatically compare ourselves to others.
Plus, when we stop comparing and pay attention to ourselves, we are often confronted by negative thinking & judgement.
In today's episode, I explain the dangers of comparing yourself to other people. Frankly, they have NOTHING to do with you and your journey.
See, when we focus our attention on other people, we can't be focused on ourselves and the opportunities in front of us to grow, improve and take action.
The only journey that matters is your journey. Any time or energy spent on someone else's journey is time wasted.
One of the reasons we focus on others is because we aren't comfortable focusing on ourselves.
When we focus on ourselves and our journey, we often face negativity, shame and judgement.
It feels far more comfortable to judge others than to judge ourselves and face our own challenges.
First, it's dangerous to look away from your own journey.
Second, if you change your attitude about yourself & your journey, you will dramatically change your trajectory.
You must keep your eyes on your own work and you must improve your perspective about your journey.
Don't miss today's episode for HOW to change your perspective on your journey.
I get lots of questions about the coconut butter I eat & where to get it. Here's the brand I buy.
The first 3 episodes reflecting on lessons learned about life & fat loss through yoga can be found here, here and here.
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