Do you listen to the podcast or read blogs & articles but struggle to translate the ideas and strategies into actions of your own?
Are you losing & gaining the same 5-20 lbs over and over?
Do you know what to eat and how to exercise but fail to consistently implement?
That was Marcelle's story and she is sharing her success strategies as well as candidly discussing where she still struggles and what she can do about it.
She describes how she routinely got swept up by the chaos of life, failing to take care of herself. Most importantly, she shares how she was able to take a step back and create space between what's happening around her and the choices she makes in response to the chaos.
She shares some powerful analogies describing how she's overcome some of her biggest challenges. Don't miss her story!
Here are some of the highlights from today's episode:
Join the FREE "Lose Weight For the Last Time" webinar series! We'll be talking consistency, all-or-nothing, attitude, perspective & sustainable strategy! Don't miss it! I'll take your questions and we'll have a blast!
For more on Breaking Barriers, click here.
Interested in the Fat Loss Fast Track? The fall group is currently closed but you can get on the wait list for our first group of 2017!