Do you avoid journaling because it takes too much time or effort?
Or have you ever skipped a workout because you don't have the time?
Have you opted for fast food because you don't have the energy to prepare a fat loss friendly meal?
You don't want to miss today's episode!
Today we are talking about finding a micro version that you can do when there's a macro strategy you won't do.
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Questions to ask yourself:
- How can I win the day? (Or the rest of the day)
- What are 3 great choices I can make today?
- What would make me feel proud?
- What does impeccable self-care look like today?
- What will make me feel more confident today?
- What can I practice?
- What does my best look like?
- What do I want more of in my life and how can I create that?
- How can I create the future I want with my choices today?
- How can I hold myself accountable?
- What’s holding me back?
- What can I do differently today?
- How can I improve my consistency today?
- Where do I have room for improvement?
- What doesn’t work and what can I do about it today?
- What works for me? What doesn’t? What will I do about it?
- What are the most simple things I can do to create success today?
- How can I be the solution to my problems today?
- What can I control?
- How can I improve my attitude?
- What does my ideal look like & how can I move towards it today?
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