Do you ever read something that makes you immediately level up your actions or effort? I sure do and I love it when that happens!
I'm no longer intrigued by things that sound nice. I'm only intrigued by things I can act on immediately. I'm intrigued by things that help me improve what I do & how I act. My mind is full of ideas. I think we need to know less but do more.
Today's episode is about something that moved me to action and immediately increased my effort. It's an Instagram post from CrossFit athlete Dan Bailey. After injury and surgery, here's what he had to say:
"Currently a little over 3 weeks out from surgery after rupturing my quad tendon. Still pretty swollen but it’s getting better every week.
Progress isn’t measured in lbs and kilos but centimeters of knee flexion and reduction in swelling (that and setting a goal to bench 4 wheels). Everyday starts with a POD attitude (performance on demand @tosh.crookedbutterfly) meaning, this is the best your going to feel today, even though your knee looks like a softball, that doesn’t really matter, performance is still demanded, so what can you do mentally, physically and spiritually to increase your work capacity? I’d be lying if I said this is what happens everyday but it’s what I shoot for."
What can you do mentally, physically & spiritually to increase your work capacity?
This challenged me and made my day better. Today's episode will do the same for you. Take a listen!