Consistency applied - every day!
If you want to apply these concepts and be coached by me through your application, check out UPGRADE! This powerful coaching program will help you stop relying on willpower to change your decisions but will fundamentally upgrade the WAY you make decisions.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
If you want to apply these concepts and be coached by me through your application, check out UPGRADE! This powerful coaching program will help you stop relying on willpower to change your decisions but will fundamentally upgrade the WAY you make decisions.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
If you want to apply these concepts and be coached by me through your application, check out UPGRADE! This powerful coaching program will help you stop relying on willpower to change your decisions but will fundamentally upgrade the WAY you make decisions.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
If you want to apply these concepts and be coached by me through your application, check out UPGRADE! This powerful coaching program will help you stop relying on willpower to change your decisions but will fundamentally upgrade the WAY you make decisions.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
If you do even one of these 10 things, I feel confident you'll see great results! I'd love to hear which of these 10 hit home the most!
Consistency applied - every day!
If you want to make better decisions but struggle to follow through, head here and get some free info on my newest program, UPGRADE.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
We're going through Chasing Cupcakes and this is easily the most popular series we've ever done on the podcast. If you need a kick in the pants to stop putting off change, listen to this episode. And while you're here, get started in UPGRADE today!
Get more information and a free resource that breaks down everything taught and experienced within the program here:
Consistency applied - every day!
If you want to make better decisions but struggle to follow through, head here and get some free info on my newest program, UPGRADE.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
If you want to make better decisions but struggle to follow through, head here and get some free info on my newest program, UPGRADE.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
If you want to apply these concepts and be coached by me through your application, check out UPGRADE! This powerful coaching program will help you stop relying on willpower to change your decisions but will fundamentally upgrade the WAY you make decisions.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get a free overview here:
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Are willpower and discipline the same? Are they different? Can you make them easier? How?
Join me in Upgrade! It starts as soon as you do!
Learn more and get a free overview here:
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get a free overview here:
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
I hate to break it to you, but effort and progress aren't synonymous. You can try your face off and get absolutely no where. So let's talk about how to make sure your effort produces results.
One way is to join me in UPGRADE today! You can get all the details of each video here:
We are celebrating 10 years of Primal Potential!
Join me for an opportunity to UPGRADE how you make decisions and transform your perspective so that every plan works because YOU work.
You can get the full breakdown of each video training for free here:
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get started here.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get started here.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get started here.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Breaking: circumstance doesn't change your responsibility.
Quite obviously, even on my busy days, even on days I don't feel well - I still take care of my kids. They still eat 3 meals. They still get their diapers changed.
Why? Because it matters.
Well, what about your health?
Why do you keep letting a myriad of circumstances change the responsibility you take for your health? Let's talk about it!
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get started here.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
We're continuing our updated commentary on Chasing Cupcakes - today we're contrasting the hard road versus the easier road and how to make the shift.
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get started here.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get started here.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get started here.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!
Consistency applied - every day!
10x Mindset is now live and you're going to want to dive in, I promise! Every choice you make results from how you THINK about your circumstances, goals and options, there's really very little that delivers a better return than becoming a better thinker! 10x Mindset is a 30-day action-oriented approach to becoming a better thinker and getting better results. It starts for you the very day you sign up! Learn more and get started here.
Want to learn more?
Check out Chasing Cupcakes & Tools for the Trenches
We'd appreciate your support of The Dagny Foundation!