'Tis the season for setting goals, right? Unfortunately, most people will go about their New Year goals the same way they always have. Chances are, they'll get the same results.
They'll capitalize on the motivation that comes with the fresh start of a new year but that motivation will wane, they will get distracted and they'll give in to temptation and opportunity.
I don't want that for you. I think we all realize that most people don't reach their New Years goals. Let's break that trend this year.
This episode is a goal setting workshop. It's not a lecture. It's an activity to go through together to ensure that you set an important goal and crush it.
There are some pretty common mistakes people make when it comes to their goals.
I want to help you take a different, effective approach this year. I've created a goal setting & tracking worksheet to help you crush your 2016 goals in every arena of life.
In this episode, I'll walk you through the worksheets and help you set a goal and begin to make progress.
Together, we will identify: