
CONSISTENT by Primal Potential

Why are we so stressed & overwhelmed? Why do we have clear & compelling goals but fail to reach them? How can we want to change so desperately yet make choices that keep us from that change? Because we keep focusing on the habits we want instead of building the skill of consistency that allows us to achieve them. Consistency is a skill. It's a superpower. It isn't one-size-fits all. It unlocks any door and makes every goal achievable. A more effective, realistic approach starts here.
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CONSISTENT by Primal Potential













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Now displaying: September, 2016
Sep 29, 2016

There is a difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance.

You might have unidentified food intolerances that are impacting your health and your progress towards your goals and not even know it!

And, just because you've tolerated a food before doesn't mean you do now.

Plus, you can overcome your food intolerances!

If you continue to consume a food to which you are even mildly intolerant, you are initiating a domino effect of challenges within your body.

In today's episode I'm talking about the direct connection between food intolerances, your immune system, your fat loss & your health. I'm sharing the impact of genetics, lifestyle and diet on your immune system and what happens when your immune system is compromised.

In part 2, I'll share common foods that trigger an immune response and might be responsible for your symptoms and how you can strengthen your immune system & eliminate your symptoms.

Don't miss the full episode! It's a really important one!

Are Food Intolerances Slowing Your Progress?

To answer this question, we first need to understand the role of the immune system, as food intolerances are based on your immune system's response to food.

Your immune system's primary function is to protect you from toxins, pathogens and other threats.

Because most threats to your health are introduced to your body through your mouth (what we eat, drink or inhale), the majority of your immune system resides in your gastrointestinal tract.

The immune role in the GI tract is to keep out anything and everything that could be dangerous.

Unfortunately, when we knowing or unknowingly consume foods to which we're even mildly intolerant, we break down the protective barrier within the GI tract and create larger problems.

What are the symptoms of a food intolerance or autoimmune issue?

There are so many possible symptoms but the common ones include:

  • bloating
  • gas
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • headaches
  • rashes & other skin conditions
  • acne
  • trouble sleeping
  • low energy
  • indigestion
  • allergies
  • depression
  • irritability
  • joint pain
  • slow healing

When we fail to eliminate these food allergens and other immune irritants, our immune system becomes compromised and attacks things it shouldn't, including foods and our own body tissues.

This leads to new food allergies or autoimmune diseases like hashimotos thyroiditis, lupus and arthritis.

The most common autoimmune diseases include:

  • psoriasis
  • fibromyalgia
  • lupus
  • celiac disease
  • hashimotos thyroiditism
  • rheumatoid arthritis

In today's episode I'm talking about how your body's inflammatory response works, what happens when common foods trigger inflammation and how we can quiet the inflammation throughout the body and eliminate your symptoms.

I'll also share one of the primary challenges with convention prescription drug treatments for these autoimmune concerns.

In the next episode I'll be talking about which foods most frequently trigger this immune response and how we can calm our inflammatory response, heal the immune system and eliminate food intolerances. We'll closely examine foods including:

  • sugar
  • caffeine
  • gluten
  • dairy
  • nuts/seeds
  • alcohol

Make sure to listen to today's full episode!


The Autoimmune Solution by Dr. Amy Myers

Sep 27, 2016

I think we all want to be more productive. We want to be less stressed while making more progress towards our goals.

That can be a tricky thing to balance because we see the pursuit of our goals as demanding that more get done. We see being more productive as getting more done. In both cases, we feel overwhelmed before we even start because we just don't have enough time to get more done!

However, to be more productive, I don't think you need to get more done. To make more progress towards your goals, I don't think you need to get more done.

In today's episode I'll talk about how you can be more productive without doing more and while accelerating your progress towards your goals!

10 Ways To Be More Productive Today

While many of these strategies might seem like common sense, I don't want you to discount them on those grounds. Instead, ask yourself, "Am I consistently implementing this?"

Knowing the strategy or being familiar with a concept doesn't matter. Do you live it? Is it yours? Do you have room for improvement? Is it a habit for you?

Don't reject the obvious - implement it. If you want to be more productive, it's not about what you know, it's about what you do and what you do consistently!

  1. Start
  2. Change your language
  3. Question everything
  4. Check your priorities
  5. Stop rushing
  6. Be honest about your distractions
  7. Set a timer
  8. Stop working
  9. Establish a routine
  10. Don't believe everything you read (or hear)


Fall 2016 Fat Loss Fast Track

Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!

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If you find the Primal Potential podcast help, it would mean the world to me if you'd take a minute to leave a rating & review! That helps show platforms display my podcast to new listeners! Thank you so much for your support! I can't tell you how valuable it is!

Sep 24, 2016

So this isn't a pitch for yoga, actually. This is about, however, about a personal yoga challenge I've given myself & the lessons I've learned in my first week that will absolutely improve my fat loss, my fitness, and my mindset.

I want to share those lessons with you.

So really, this is kind of like yoga for fat loss without having to go to yoga.

Haha. I actually think yoga is a great thing for almost everyone, but my purpose in this series is to share with you lessons I'm learning in yoga that I believe can & should be applied to our food choices, our fitness, our mindset, relationships and life in general!

Yoga for Fat Loss, Fitness, Mindset & Crushing Life

As I've recently shared on the podcast, after being diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and some stress-related health challenges, I'm making some changes in both my diet & lifestyle to help my body heal.

One of those changes is yoga. I am not a yogi, I do not like group exercise, but I've taken on a legitimate mental, physical and logistical challenge:

45 yoga classes in 45 days.

I'm not challenging you to do that - my journey is my journey - but I do want to share what I'm learning with you through this challenge.

I'm not necessarily taking yoga for fat loss, but I think there are incredibly powerful parallels between what you learn in yoga and the skills you need to reach your fat loss, fitness and health goals.

I'm doing it because I need to learn to slow down, to be more present, to breathe and to be gentle with my body, my mind and my heart.

Leave it to me to take something like yoga and get all intense with it, haha. 45 90-minute hot yoga classes in 45 days...yeah Elizabeth, way to take it easy...

Hey, gotta make it interesting, right? I'm a competitive person!

I've walked out of every single class so far feeling like I've learned something beyond the mat, beyond the yoga pose, and I'm planning to share those lessons with you each week for the next 45 days.

So, I'm one week into my yoga challenge and I've learned some good stuff!

Stay on your mat

At my first class, the instructor shared with the new people (I wasn't the only one) that the only goal of the first class is to stay on your mat. Don't quit and leave, don't leave the room for some cool air, just stay. It's okay to rest. It's okay to sit down or lay down, just say on your mat.

See, it’s 105 degrees in this room and your moving your body in weird, challenging and uncomfortable ways. (In front of strangers! )

You aren’t weak if you want to quit. It’s not a sign that you’re a failure that you don’t feel like doing it.

But that feeling doesn’t mean you need to leave. The desire to leave is just a desire.

Don’t react. Just stay.

How true is this in life & fat loss? It's okay to stop. It's okay to slow down. It's okay to rest.

But don't leave. Don't drift. Don't let go of your goals. You can always rest, but don't walk away. Don't leave the pursuit. Stay on your mat.

You WILL have times when you want to quit. But that doesn’t mean you need to justify ice cream or chips or cookies or alcohol.

Just stay there.

You’re on this journey. Don’t leave. Just wait.


The maximum benefit comes at your depth

In Bikram yoga, which is what I’ve decided to do, there are 26 poses and, in my class, we do each pose two times. As we moved into a particular posture for the second time, the instructor quietly said,

"Keep going. The maximum benefit comes at your depth"

See, she didn't want us to stop when it got uncomfortable. She didn't want us to feel the discomfort and not go past it.

The maximum benefit, the greatest growth, the fastest improvement comes when you go as far as you can.

If she hadn’t said that, I wouldn’t have looked for my depth in that pose.

I would have just done what I felt like I could, held steady when it felt uncomfortable.

But this cue from her, this comment, it sent me looking for my depth. For how far I could go. For how deep I could take it. For my limit. For my best.

How often do we stop at the point of discomfort in life? We do what we're comfortable with and give in when it gets too hard.

But that's not where we improve. That's not how things get easier. That's not the way to transformation.

Think about the times in your life when you've grown the most, learned the most or excelled the most. It probably took going beyond your comfort zone - going beyond what was easy or comfortable.

When it comes to health, food choices or fitness - where is your depth? Are you going there? Are you bringing your best effort? Where’s your limit? How far can you take it?

The maximum benefit will come at your depth.

Pressure is the beginning of the posture

This next one so deeply resonated with me (pun intended). It's pretty similar to the last one but so vivid. I was standing there, waiting for the instructor to declare, "change" so I could release a challenging posture.

You hold the posture, usually struggling (certainly for me as I’m brand new to this) and can release when you hear “change”

Instead of "change" she said,

"the pressure is the beginning of the posture"

She meant that instead of looking to release as soon as it gets uncomfortable, consider that the beginning. Your effort begins, your training begins, your work begins, the posture behinds when the pressure starts. That's when it begins, not when it ends.

It reminds me what Mohammad Ali said once when asked how many sit-ups he had done. He replied,

"I don't know. I didn't start counting until it hurt"

This isn't an argument for doing push-ups through the pain, but I think it has much broader applications to life and the pursuit of our goals.

Think about it - we let up when it gets too hard. When the temptations get too hard we relent. When we're tired, we give in. How about deciding that the pressure is the beginning of the work, not the end.

Temptation is the beginning of the work, not the end.

Emotion is the beginning of the work, not the end.

Stop trying to manage the room

Someone came into the class a few minutes late. The instructor acknowledged her and said,

“there’s a space up front, just one minute”

She'd get her situated once we finished our posture.

A few seconds later the instructor said to the late lady,

“Stop trying to manage the room. Drop your mat and breathe”

We were doing the beginning breathing exercises.

I don’t think the woman knew what she meant and so the instructor said,

“Seriously! Stop trying to mange the room. That’s my job, not yours. Drop your mat, start breathing, I will get you settled in a minute”

This woman was in her head. She was thinking about where she should go, who would have to scoot around to make room for her, where she could disrupt the fewest people

And while she did that, she was missing the posture.

I loved that instruction – stop managing the room.

I know I do that too often, I try to manage the room or the situation instead of just being present in it.

I try to manage other people. I spend a lot of my time thinking about what other people will do, when, where.

I am a natural leader and so at family events, I’m in my head thinking about where people will sit – are there enough chairs? When will we eat – do we have enough for everyone? Is there a parking space for the person who isn’t here yet?

While I’m in my head managing everyone and everything, I’m missing stuff.

A lot of stuff.

We do this at work, at home. We do this when it’s none of our business.

I’ll be sitting in traffic and I see that someone is blocking an intersection when the light turns red.

They aren’t blocking me. I’m a half a dozen cars behind.

But I start thinking and worrying about the people who are at the green light and can’t get through and how frustrated the poor guy blocking the intersection must be because he can’t move.

Dude. Stop managing the room!

This cue, stop managing the room, will remind me to just be present, just do what I need to do, and not worry about what’s behind me, what’s in the future, or what anyone else is doing or should be doing.

I'm really excited about the mental & emotional lessons I'm learning on the mat & I'm excited to keep sharing them with you!


Fall 2016 Fat Loss Fast Track

Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!

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If you find the Primal Potential podcast help, it would mean the world to me if you'd take a minute to leave a rating & review! That helps show platforms display my podcast to new listeners! Thank you so much for your support! I can't tell you how valuable it is!

Sep 22, 2016

I think we're all sick & tired of dieting failure, dieting obsession and feeling like we've failed.

It's exhausting!

I don't know about you, but I've tried every diet under the sun.

For years I felt frustrated, confused and like something was wrong with me.

Nothing was wrong with me. Something was significantly flawed in my approach.

Traditional weight loss programs are designed to fail.

I don't think it's you. I think it's your approach.

In today's episode I want to help you understand why dieting failure is so common - why diets are exactly designed to fail in the long term and what you can do differently to ensure success.

How To Avoid Dieting Failure

Diets don't work.

One of the primary reasons they don't work is because they are based on a leader/follower model.

In the leader/follower model, the "leader", whether a person or a company, creates the rules and the structure and you, the follower, step in line and follow their commands.

There are many major problems with the leader follower model and I summarize them into the following categories, which I describe in today's episode:

  • Distraction
  • Doubt
  • Dependance
  • Drifting
  • Depersonalization
  • Deflection

Instead, if we want long term success we should seek the leader/leader model.

The leader/leader model operates based on the premise that some people have great guidance and strategy to offer, but no one knows your body, your preferences, your lifestyle and your results better than you do.

In the leader/leader model, you are creating your own plan based on your body's feedback instead of blindly following someone else's strategy.

In the leader/leader model, you're identify & creating tools that work for you, not establishing a list of rules you must follow.

To watch the full video of this presentation, click here.

Ready to join the last Fat Loss Fast Track of 2016?

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Sep 20, 2016

Did you listen to part 1 of how to protect & heal your thyroid? If you're wondering how to improve thyroid health, this series is right for you! Make sure you start with part 1!

You absolutely can improve thyroid health. You can protect your thyroid and prevent future problems.

You can & you should!

Your thyroid is about way more than your weight or your metabolism.

Every single cell in your body has receptors for thyroid hormones and your thyroid plays a role in just about every aspect of health.

Your overall health, metabolism and body composition all depend on the health of your thyroid.

In part 1, we covered what the thyroid is & what it does. I shared my recent thyroid diagnosis and the symptoms which preceded it.

In researching how to improve thyroid health & function, I've shared several diet & lifestyle strategies that will make a big difference!

How to Protect & Heal Your Thyroid - Part 2

What is your thyroid?

Your thyroid is a small gland in your throat. It's an endocrine gland, secreting hormones your body needs for nearly every bodily function.

What does it do?

Your thyroid controls the metabolic rate of every organ in the body. Remember that your metabolic rate isn't just about body weight. It's about energy & fuel. Metabolic rate refers to the ability & efficiency of your body to get the energy & nutrients it needs from fuel you consume or fuel stored in your body as well as the ability & efficiency of your body to store fuel in the form of fat, muscle and bone.

Your thyroid regulates & influences countless bodily processes including breathing, heart rate, menstruation, muscle development, fat burning, sleep, body temperature, cholesterol production and more.

What can you do to protect and heal your thyroid?

  • Control your blood sugar by limiting processed foods & following the Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss
  • Minimize stress
  • Support your microbiome
  • Get enough vitamin D via food, sunlight and/or supplementation
  • Cut out gluten and gluten-like components (corn, oats, etc)
  • Identify & eliminate food allergens (even mild ones!)
    Common food allergens include dairy, eggs, wheat, grains, nuts & seeds
    The food allergen test I am taking can be purchased here
  • Consume enough (but not too much) iodine
  • Eat selenium rich foods like brazil nuts, turkey, chicken
  • Eliminate trans fats and limit unsaturated fats

Want to join the Fat Loss Fast Track? Last chance this year!

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Chris Kresser's Free Thyroid Report

Fall 2016 Fat Loss Fast Track

Metabolic Effect Adrenal & Thyroid Protocol

Gluten reactions can last up to 6 months (research)

Benefits of reducing iodine

The Paleo Cure by Chris Kresser

The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried

Food Allergy Testing

Vitamin D Supplement

Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!

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If you find the Primal Potential podcast help, it would mean the world to me if you'd take a minute to leave a rating & review! That helps show platforms display my podcast to new listeners! Thank you so much for your support! I can't tell you how valuable it is!

Sep 17, 2016

Here's the deal guys: your thyroid is about way more than your weight or your metabolism.

Whether you have a thyroid issue or you don't, we all must ensure we're doing all we can to protect & heal this critical endocrine gland.

Every single cell in your body has receptors for thyroid hormones.

Your overall health, metabolism and body composition all depend on the health of your thyroid.

Even if you don't have a thyroid gland and you're on synthetic thyroid hormones, you absolutely can & will from many of these strategies.

In today's episode I share my recent thyroid issues and what I'm doing about them along with what your thyroid is, what it does and some of the things you can do to protect and heal your thyroid.

How to Protect & Heal Your Thyroid

What is your thyroid?

Your thyroid is a small gland in your throat. It's an endocrine gland, secreting hormones your body needs for nearly every bodily function.

What does it do?

Your thyroid controls the metabolic rate of every organ in the body. Remember that your metabolic rate isn't just about body weight. It's about energy & fuel. Metabolic rate refers to the ability & efficiency of your body to get the energy & nutrients it needs from fuel you consume or fuel stored in your body as well as the ability & efficiency of your body to store fuel in the form of fat, muscle and bone.

Your thyroid regulates & influences countless bodily processes including breathing, heart rate, menstruation, muscle development, fat burning, sleep, body temperature, cholesterol production and more.

What can you do to protect and heal your thyroid?

In today's episode, part 1, we talk about the importance of blood sugar balance, gut health and bacterial balance. We'll go into many more strategies in part 2. For now:

Want to join the Fat Loss Fast Track? Last chance this year!

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Chris Kresser's Free Thyroid Report

Fall 2016 Fat Loss Fast Track

Metabolic Effect Adrenal & Thyroid Protocol

The Paleo Cure by Chris Kresser

The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried

Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!

Sep 15, 2016

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the shame spiral, but I sure am. Here are the cliff notes: it sucks.

We have this terribly inefficient habit: we keep returning to approaches that don't work.

I want you to really think about this question: do you need a different approach?

That's what we will investigate on today's episode as we explore the shame cycle & how we can break free from it.

Sep 13, 2016

Some of my clients shared recently that they have found the missing piece of what they felt like was a fat loss puzzle.

They knew something was missing - maybe that something was consistency, motivation, focus or the right strategy for their own body - but they've found it.

Today you'll hear from those clients in their own words. They'll share their results, their fears, what they've found and how they found it.

These clients have a few things in common:

  • They all were frustrated with a lack of results
  • They all struggled with weight for their entire adult lives
  • They all felt like something was missing
  • They are now seeing results in fat loss & life in general
  • They're all members of the Fat Loss Fast Track

Some are men, some are women. Some are married, some are single. Some have kids, some don't. Some are older, some are younger. But there's so much they have in common, including results.

If you want to join the last Fat Loss Fast Track of 2016, you can get all the details and your spot right here!

The Missing Piece - Solve the Puzzle & Get Results

Meet Sarah

Sarah is a 40-year-old married mother of children ages 2 to 22. She is also a flight paramedic for an air ambulance service. Sarah’s job requires her to maintain a specific weight, and every month she must weigh in to keep her job on track and in good standing.

Her high-stress career and busy family life left her feeling desperate for stability with her weight.

She turned to the Fat Loss Fast Track to help find the answers within herself.

Here are some of the lessons Sarah has learned that have helped her lose weight and feel more in control:

  • Everything you need is already within you, you just need to look for it and seize it
  • If you slow down & simplify, you'll go faster

Meet Dave

Fat Loss Fast Track is not just for women!

Here are some of the insights Dave gained aside from the weight he has lost!

  • Every choice is a chance - the perfectionist mentality has got to go!
  • Seek consistency & daily effort over perfectionism
  • Mindset drives your choices - focus more on mindset than skillvset

Meet Jen

Jen is a married mother of two teenagers who works as a full-time pediatrician.

Jen has struggled her entire adult wife with her weight and she began to view her weight as a failure in an otherwise very successful life.

Here's what Jen shared about her Fat Loss Fast Track experience:

  • Things get easier when you focus on just one choice at a time
  • It gets easier when you simplify!
  • The Fat Loss Fast Track lessons help every single area of life
  • Her energy is through the roof!

Want to join the last Fat Loss Fast Track of 2016?

Do you want to gain the type of tools and empowerment that Sarah, Dave, and Jen have found? The missing pieces are all there, you just need to reach out and learn to use them! Learn more about the Fall 2016 Fat Loss Fast Track featuring:

  • Weekly challenges
  • Daily coaching
  • Ongoing motivational messages & encouragement
  • 12-week journal
  • Weekly webinars
  • Private Facebook group
  • Workouts for all fitness levels

This is the Last Group of 2016!!!

Get More Information Here


Fall 2016 Fat Loss Fast Track

Cashew Basil Pesto Recipe

Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!

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If you find the Primal Potential podcast help, it would mean the world to me if you'd take a minute to leave a rating & review! That helps show platforms display my podcast to new listeners! Thank you so much for your support! I can't tell you how valuable it is!

Sep 10, 2016

"Every vice has it's excuse ready" ~ Publilius Syrus

If you aren't taking action, if you aren't being consistent, if you aren't doing the work, you've probably got a line up of common excuses to justify why.

In today's episode we're going through 5 big buts - the most common excuses for not doing the work required to move towards your goals.

We'll establish the truth behind these excuses to help you clear them out of your way and clear the path towards progress.

5 Big Buts - Crushing Common Excuses

Know what? I'm not going to give away my excuse-busting tips & strategies here! You've got to listen to the full episode to hear how I suggest you tackle these common excuses! It's a short episode and I know you'll enjoy it so be sure to take a listen!

  1. I don't know where to start
  2. I'm too busy - I don't have time
  3. It's too hard
  4. My spouse/kids aren't on board with changing what we eat
  5. I can't be consistent


Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!

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If you find the Primal Potential podcast help, it would mean the world to me if you'd take a minute to leave a rating & review! That helps show platforms display my podcast to new listeners! Thank you so much for your support! I can't tell you how valuable it is!

Sep 8, 2016

Many of us, myself including, hold ourselves back by hanging on to past pain, shame, disappointment or rejection.

That's a choice. It's a choice to hold on. It's a choice to let go.

In today's episode, we're talking about how to let go of past pain so you can be happier and make far more effortless progress towards your goals.

This isn't an easy charge but it's one of the most powerful things you can do! Listen to today's full episode to hear how on of my clients made the choice to let go of what was holding her back and how it immediately transformed her cravings and desire to overeat.

How To Let Go Of Past Pain

When we release the pain associated with people who have let us down, rejected us or hurt us, we are free to take care of ourselves, be happy and live our best lives.

In today's episode, I'll share how I've done this and, more recently, how one of my clients did this and the impact it had on her food choices.

We create & maintain problems because they give us a sense of identity ~ Eckhart Tolle

Choose not to be offended and you won't be

Ships don't sink because of the water around them but because of the water within them

You do not have to attend every argument to which you're invited

Does this offense need to impact the choices you make right now?

Will it move you forward to allow this offense to influence your choices today?

Pour your energy into what you do have control over and ignore what you don't have control over

You only have control over 3 things in your life - the thoughts you think, the images you visualize and the actions you take ~ Jack Canfield


Episode 221: Turn Off the Thought Faucet

Episode 204 - The Problem Behind The Problem

Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!

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If you find the Primal Potential podcast help, it would mean the world to me if you'd take a minute to leave a rating & review! That helps show platforms display my podcast to new listeners! Thank you so much for your support! I can't tell you how valuable it is!

Sep 6, 2016

Are GMOs dangerous? What are GMOs? Where are they? Should I avoid them?

These are all the questions we're answering in today's podcast.

I'll share my thoughts on whether or not these are something you need to worry about and what risks exist with exposure to genetically modified organisms.

Are GMOs Dangerous? What Are They?

GMO stands for genetically modified organism. Genes from one plant, animal, virus or bacteria are transferred to another plant or animal.

Generally, this process is used to make crops more resilient against environmental factors like frosts or insects, or to enhance physical features or increase shelf life and reduce spoilage.

In today's episode, in addition to discussing my thoughts on the question, "Are GMOs dangerous", we talk about how they are created and what impact they have on the modified organism.

Using corn as an example, we explain how corn is genetically modified. Did you know that the genetic modification of corn causes every cell in the corn plant to emit a pesticide?

Plus, the genetic modification of corn appears to change the nutrient profile.

Take a look at the side-by-side comparison of GMO and Non-GMO corn below.



What does this mean for our health? 

The technology used to create GMO crops has developed so rapidly, we cannot be certain of the long-term health effects. The burden of proof on large agricultural companies is limited and most of the research has been done on mice and rats.

How to avoid GMOs

Buy foods and ingredients that are USDA-certified organic, or from local growers you trust that don't use herbicides. Check out the link for the Non-GMO Shopping guide below to find out more information.


Non-GMO Shopping Guide

Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!

Sep 3, 2016

Sometimes, we actually hold ourselves back in our attempt to make rapid progress.

More often than not, we have to slow down to go faster.

In today's podcast, I'm talking about how doing less, focusing on fewer things and slowing down your thoughts can actually accelerate your progress towards your goals.

Slow Down To Go Faster

In today's episode, we're covering how to take a step back, simplify, and create a baseline to avoid frustration, and achieve your goals.

You want results NOW. Trust me, I've been there. You hit the ground running and you are doing EVERYTHING you can think of to get to your end goal. But are you doing too much, too soon? Are you considering the sustainability of your actions? Do your intentions match your actions? And are your actions consistent?

Does our motivation exceed our training?

Often times, we create false fantasy plans in our head that do not reflect the reality of our actions. We set a baseline so high that it may not be doable at our current training and commitment level. The fantasy plans and inability to stick to these crazy expectations lead very quickly to frustration, which can easily turn into quitting altogether.

Breaking the cycle

Breaking free is about doing less. I really believe that you can achieve MORE when you do LESS. The key is separating the fantasy plans from reality.You must build a base that you can obtain, and grow from there. Your base will help you break free from food obsession and yo-yo dieting.

Revisit the 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 Rule is simply 80% of your results stem from just 20% of the things you do, the actions you take. Focus your energy on the 20% of actions that are truly effective and ditch the 80% that doesn't.

Turn off the thought faucet

It is so hard to slow down when our minds are moving at 100 miles per hour. When you catch yourself bouncing all over the place in your thoughts, slow down and focus on RIGHT NOW.

Don't create big plans that you can't execute that then create feelings of failure. Instead, pick one thing to focus on each week. After the week has ended evaluate your progress on that one thing. Take those evaluations and go from there making one change for the next week. These changes will become habits that you can sustain and create a healthy lifestyle that reaches your end goals.


Episode 221: Turn Off the Thought Faucet

Join me at ASCEND in Nashville!


Fat Loss Breakfast

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If you find the Primal Potential podcast help, it would mean the world to me if you'd take a minute to leave a rating & review! That helps show platforms display my podcast to new listeners! Thank you so much for your support! I can't tell you how valuable it is!

Sep 1, 2016

As of today, there are only 4 months left before 2017. No matter what you've done for the first 8 months of the year, let's finish strong. The year will fly by and I want you going into 2017 without regrets and carrying forward a sense of pride, hope and accomplishment.

In today's podcast I'll share 3 ways you can capitalize on these next 4 months of the year.

We're heading into a time of the year where there are challenges - back to school, holidays, cooler weather - but we have a fantastic opportunity to capitalize on these challenges and make unparalleled progress towards our goals.

Check out these 3 simple strategies and pick the one that feels the most feasible for you!

How To Dominate The Rest of 2016

In today's episode we tackle 3 ways to make the most of 2016.


Buy a few packs of index cards. Count out as many cards as there are days left in the year (as of September 1st, 2016, there are 122 days remaining in 2016).

Every day, take a blank card from your stack. On one side, write down ONE thing you can & will do that day to move in the direction of your goals.

On the back of the card, write down one affirmation or mantra.

Carry your card with you and conquer that ONE thing.

The next day, grab your next blank card and start fresh with your one commitment for the day and your affirmation or mantra.

Singular Practice

Pick ONE thing you want to practice each day between now and the end of the year. Maybe you decide that between now and the end of the year, you'll practice mastering the fat loss breakfast every single day.

Maybe you'll decide that between now and the end of the year, you'll sweat every single day.

Maybe you want to practice carbs at night every day until the end of the year.

Pick one thing and commit to daily practice for the remainder of 2016.

Ladies - Go To ASCEND!

I'm hosting a small group of women where we will take our journeys to the next level.

We'll spend the 4 weeks before the event gathering tons of valuable information about your schedule, your work ethic, your barriers, excuses and limitations.

Then, we'll spend 2 jam-packed days together in downtown Nashville Tennessee creating YOUR specific action plan for results.

I give you my word that ASCEND will be completely transformational and you and your journey will never be the same!