
CONSISTENT by Primal Potential

Why are we so stressed & overwhelmed? Why do we have clear & compelling goals but fail to reach them? How can we want to change so desperately yet make choices that keep us from that change? Because we keep focusing on the habits we want instead of building the skill of consistency that allows us to achieve them. Consistency is a skill. It's a superpower. It isn't one-size-fits all. It unlocks any door and makes every goal achievable. A more effective, realistic approach starts here.
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CONSISTENT by Primal Potential













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Now displaying: 2017
Dec 30, 2017

Though I am not a fan of one-size-fits-all approaches to any goal, there is one resolution I believe everyone should make this year and I'm sharing it in today's episode.

This episode is the last one to air in 2017 but it doesn't matter when you stumble across this gem - it has the power to dramatically accelerate your progress, reduce your excuses & change your life!

To register for the free New Year's workshops, click here!

To join the Winter Fat Loss Fast Track, click here!


Join the Winter Fat Loss Fast Track!

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Dec 28, 2017

Have you ever fallen into the trap of "better"? You know, when your choices aren't your best but you keep justifying them because they are better than what you used to choose?

You're still eating ice cream every night, you aren't making progress, but you feel justified because it's better than your past binges?

I am all for the pursuit of better...until it becomes the trap of better. I'm all for the pursuit of "better" until it keeps you from identifying and acting upon your best.

The trap of better is what we are talking about today! Don't miss it!

To register for the free New Year's workshops, click here!

To join the Winter Fat Loss Fast Track, click here!


Join the Winter Fat Loss Fast Track!

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Dec 26, 2017

We have more bacterial cells and bacterial genes in our bodies than we do human cells and human genes.

Our microbiome influences every single aspect of our health. It has a tremendous influence over our metabolisms, hunger, appetite, fat storage and fat burning.

If we aren't being intentional about optimizing our microbiome, chances are that it's not working in our favor, or, a best, not working for us as well as it could.

In today's episode we're talking about tactics and strategies to minimize damage and maximize benefits.

You don't want to miss this one!

To register for the free New Year's workshops, click here!

To join the Winter Fat Loss Fast Track, click here!


Primal Potential Episode 048 - Epigenetics

Primal Potential Episode 055 - Probiotics

The Microbiome Diet by Raphael Kellman

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Dec 23, 2017

The first rule of holes is: stop digging.

Today's episode is a motivational minisode to help you in those moments when you feel stuck or you find yourself making a series of choices you don't feel good about it. It could be a small moment, like mindlessly grabbing handfuls of Goldfish, or a chain of moments over a day, weekend or week.

This episode will be a great tool to help you implement a simple re-direct and stop digging deeper into a hole you don't want to create.


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Dec 21, 2017

I caught myself making a big mistake in my approach to creating an improvement in my life. While my mistake was in the gym, it's a mistake I see most people making in the way they approach losing weight or improving their food choices.

This mistake, which I describe in detail in today's show, is choosing intensity before establishing stamina. While this can absolutely happen in the gym, it's just as common in our food choices.

Choosing intensity over stamina means choosing the intense approach without first building consistent basics. That might be a Whole 30 right from your standard American diet, or going from indulging too frequently to strict keto - but we jump to the intense approach hoping for faster results without realizing that we haven't laid a solid foundation for change. Then, we bail. We get frustrated or can't sustain the extent of the change and we give up.

Our ambition exceeded our preparation. Our motivation is greater than our stamina. We might have the desire to create big changes but we need to slow down, establish a solid foundation and making gradual changes that last instead of massive changes that don't.

In today's episode I'm talking about how and where we most often make this mistake and sharing some ideas of how you can establish that stamina for change before dipping your toes in the waters of intensity.


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Dec 19, 2017

I am feeling so happy & peaceful now that I've found my perfect mantra for today and into 2018. It's not just a mantra though, it's a new operating system that is going to absolutely help me with nutrition, fitness, business, finances and relationships.

In today's episode I'm sharing with you this mantra, inspired by The Soul of Money, and how I plan to apply it across every area of my life, starting today.

It's a short episode & you won't want to miss this one! It's going to be a game changer in my life!

To register for the free New Year's workshops, please click here!


The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist

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Dec 16, 2017

In episode 427 we talked about how to break a big habit into a tiny one to acclerate your progress and build momentum quickly.

Today, I'm showing you how to figure that out in real life.

This episode is an actual coaching call with one of my clients. I take you through the process of how we identify what's not going well, why it's not going well and then establish micro changes to both mindset and behavior to create change. I think you're going to love this episode!

Make sure to register for the New Year live workshops! They're totally free!

Want to get on the Fat Loss Fast Track wait list? Here's your link!


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Dec 14, 2017

Do you avoid journaling because it takes too much time or effort?

Or have you ever skipped a workout because you don't have the time?

Have you opted for fast food because you don't have the energy to prepare a fat loss friendly meal?

You don't want to miss today's episode!

Today we are talking about finding a micro version that you can do when there's a macro strategy you won't do. 

Do not miss our New Year workshops! They're free! They're live! They're online!

Click here to make sure you get a spot!


Questions to ask yourself:

  1. How can I win the day? (Or the rest of the day)
  2. What are 3 great choices I can make today?
  3. What would make me feel proud?
  4. What does impeccable self-care look like today?
  5. What will make me feel more confident today?
  6. What can I practice?
  7. What does my best look like?
  8. What do I want more of in my life and how can I create that?
  9. How can I create the future I want with my choices today?
  10. How can I hold myself accountable?
  11. What’s holding me back?
  12. What can I do differently today?
  13. How can I improve my consistency today?
  14. Where do I have room for improvement?
  15. What doesn’t work and what can I do about it today?
  16. What works for me? What doesn’t? What will I do about it?
  17. What are the most simple things I can do to create success today?
  18. How can I be the solution to my problems today?
  19. What can I control?
  20. How can I improve my attitude?
  21. What does my ideal look like & how can I move towards it today?

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Dec 12, 2017

I read a lot. Multiple books each week. Within the Primal Potential Masters Club we have a monthly book club where we read, discuss and implement the strategies within many of my all time favorite books.

Every once in a while I do a book club episode on the podcast and share ideas from a book I've recently enjoyed. Today we're talking about Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual by Jocko Willink. Though I don't know him, I have an immeasurable amount of respect & admiration for him & his philosophies.

Jocko was a Navy Seal & commander of the most decorated special operations unit of the war in Iraq.

Since retiring from military service, he has become a successful business man & coach who lives to practice what he preaches.

From my perspective, Jocko Willink embodies mental toughness, achievement, bravery & self-discipline. I'm excited to share some of his ideas with you.

If you are looking for a swift kick in the pants, buy the book and more importantly, live the ideas within it.

Enjoy today's book club episode!


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Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual by Jocko Willink

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Dec 9, 2017

Does being disciplined mean missing out on connection?

How do you balance making great food choices with enjoying life to the fullest and reaching your goals?

That's one of the questions we're tackling on today's podcast episode.

Today I'm taking you inside a clip of a bonus webinar within the Fat Loss Fast Track.

I'm sharing with you two of the questions we discussed in the Fat Loss Fast Track including one about how to translate your goals from a long term objective to a daily focus. 

If you want to get on the wait list for the winter Fat Loss Fast Track, click here!


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Dec 7, 2017

Is eating more fat going to increase your cholesterol?

What if you started eating more fat and your cholesterol levels did go up? What does it mean? What does it not mean? How do we interpret cholesterol panels and what should we be paying attention to?

What about triglycerides? Won't eating more fat increase triglycerides?

If you've got these questions, I've got your answers!

Join me for today's episode!


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Cholesterol - The Duct Tape of the Human Body

Dietary Fat & Cholesterol

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Dec 5, 2017

The other day in my Daily Stoic Journal I answered the following question:

If I lived today as if it were my last, what would I do?

At first, I copped out. I wrote out all the things I'd do & then all the reasons why I couldn't do them. I mean, I have to work! I have responsibilities.

Then, I caught myself and said: within the framework of my current reality, what can I do?

Instead of focusing on what I would do but can't, what are the things I should do & can?

One of those things I said I'd do if it was my last day on earth is record a final message for my Primal Potential family. 

So, though this is not the last Primal Potential podcast, I wanted to record it as though it was. These are all the things I'd want you to know if it was my last day on earth.


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Dec 2, 2017

Every day I answer tons of listener emails. My responses and the conversations that happen in my inbox cover thousands of important topics from motivation to hormones & everything in between.

The other night I was wishing you guys could see & hear those conversations so today I'm taking you inside my inbox!

We're tackling questions about topics like:

  • How to handle "backsliding" after seeing some progress
  • How to stop a downward spiral
  • What benefits you can expect from adding more fat to your diet
  • Unseen ways you're holding yourself back
  • A new perspective on sugar cravings

If you've got questions you'd like me to tackle on the show, be sure to comment below!


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Nov 30, 2017

This week I've had a bunch of one-on-one calls with folks who attended ASCEND, the Primal Potential weekend workshop in early November. Today, those calls had a powerful theme:

The circumstances we use to justify our choices and our commitment & attachment to those stories.

There are a couple aspects of a choice: the setup for the choice & the choice itself.

When we desire change, we often focus on changing the choice itself - we want to eat less, move more, reduce sugar, etc.

However, a more effective approach might be to change the setup. More specifically, it is likely more effective to stop committing to the story you use to justify the choice.

Not sure what this looks like? Tune in to today's episode for examples & strategies!


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Nov 28, 2017

You can have ambitious goals and pure intentions but if you're eating mindlessly, without paying attention, you're going to struggle to achieve them.

How do we transition from randomly grabbing a handful of crackers or a piece of candy without thinking to intentionally fueling our body by conscious choice?

If you can break the habit (and you can) of eating in front of the tv, while you're driving or from random bags & boxes, your physical progress will increase dramatically.

Today we are talking about tactical strategies to eliminate mindless eating & overcoming the obstacles to executing these strategies on a daily basis.


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Episode 410: The Value of Simplicity

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Nov 25, 2017

At the risk of extreme vulnerability & personal sharing, I'm taking you through my 2017 year-end review process in the hopes that you'll be intentional about going through your own.

I made the decision to share much more personal stuff than I normally do to show the necessity of both failure & success and how oftentimes, our most significant launch pad is established by what, if not investigated, appears to be a failure.


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Nov 23, 2017

Do not wish away the rest of the year. Do not wish away the rest of the day so you can get to your fresh start tomorrow. We've got to work together to completely eliminate this notion of starting tomorrow, Monday, after vacation or at the first of the year.

Today we are talking about 3 strategies you can implement to make the last 6 weeks of the year the absolute best 6 weeks of the year so you can go soaring into 2018 with epic levels of momentum & motivation.


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Nov 21, 2017

Most of us aren't taking advantage of a huge tool at our disposal: light.

Light has the ability to increase our metabolism, speed our healing, reduce inflammation, increase energy and much more.

Yet, we take it for granted. We think using light is quackery. It's not.

Try to grow a plant in the dark. Overexpose a plant to light. See what happens.

Light is a super-nutrient, as important to human health as it is to plant health, if not more.

Light can dramatically improve our hormones, energy, metabolism, healing, immune system & more.

Alternatively, if not optimized, light can make us tired, unfocused, depressed and sick.

Today we are learning how light influences us, the different types of light and the differing impact and what simple and complex solutions we can begin to implement.


Help me reach my goal of 1,000 5-star reviews!

Flu.x Software for computer

Full Spectrum Light Bulbs

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

UVB At-Home Light

Salt Lamp

Blackout Curtains

Joovv Light - use coupon code PRIMAL to save $25

Ettitude Bedding

Astaxanthin Supplement - I recommend products using AstaReal brand astaxanthin

Head Strong by Dave Asprey

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Nov 18, 2017

The holidays are fast approaching and today I'm sharing some healthy holiday gift ideas including what I'll be gifting and what my wish-list looks like!

To check out all my gift ideas, including the gift I'm giving myself to reduce cellulite, listen to the full episode!

Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas


The Ketogenic Bible

I Am John Galt

The Obstacle Is The Way

The Traveler's Gift

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind

Tao Te Ching

Atlas Shrugged

The Fountainhead

Moleskin Journals


Primal Potential Coffee Mugs

Kicking Horse Coffee

Thrive Market Cashews

Artisana Coconut Butter Travel Packets


Vitamix Blender

Oxo Salad Chopper

Behmor Coffee Maker


Away Luggage


Yeti Tumblers & Coolers


Joovv Light - use coupon code PRIMAL to save $25

My favorite poncho from Ugg (I have it in Navy)

Spanx Arm Tights

Jump Rope


ASCEND Audio Workshops


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Nov 16, 2017

This could be the most helpful, useful podcast in Primal Potential history. I cannot wait for you to hear it! Today I'm going to introduce you to 7 steps that will help you, starting today, create your happiest life. Your healthiest life.

The other day, on the beach, I read "How To Write Like Tolstoy" and it opens up with a quote I loved:

Peter Carey: I was finally a writer.

Interviewer: What was it that was clicking?

Carey: Age, experience, a simpler form, practice, reading, influence, getting beyond influence.

Today we are talking about how to leverage age, experience, a simpler form, practice, reading, influence & getting beyond influence to create your happiest life.

I'll tell you how I've done it, how I'm continuing to improve in these areas, what tools I use and what implementation looks like in your life.

Before you dive into the episode: a quick reminder that registration for the first Fat Loss Fast Track group of 2018 opens up in just a few weeks. Make sure you're on the wait list!


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Simon Sinek & The Bagel Story

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Nov 14, 2017

In today's episode we're talking about how there's a difference between knowing how you want things to work and doing work.

In life & business, many of us struggle to create success because we aren't balanced or consistent in our approach.

Today I'm talking about the book The E-Myth Revisted by Michael Gerber. Though the book is about business, it talks about how there are 3 primary approaches to work and how we struggle when there is an imbalance in them.

While this is certainly true in business ownership, it's just as true, if not more, in life.

The tactician - executes tasks. Gets things done. A to-do list lifer!

The manager - strategist. Pragmatist. Planner.

The entrepeneur - visionary. Dreamer. Big ideas.

We need all three. We can't just go through life crossing tasks off a list. We can't create plans without executing them. We can't have vision without action. We can't succeed without vision.

If you feel like you aren't sure what you want for your life, listen to this episode.

If you feel frustrated that you create plans but don't implement them, listen to this episode.

If you feel like you're so busy doing what has to be done that you have no time to create a life you love, listen to this episode.


The E-Myth Revisted by Michael Gerber

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Nov 11, 2017

Are you too busy working in your life that you aren't ever working on your life?

This is a trap most people fall into. I have! Repeatedly!

They are so busy keeping up and crossing tasks off their lists that they feel they don't have time to fundamentally change or improve their lives.

They're too busy to do the most meaningful work.

I recognized this so profoundly in my work - I have been too busy working in my business that I've felt there is no time or ability to work on my business.

It's a huge mistake.

It's penny wise & pound foolish. It's what we're diving into today! Don't miss it!


404: Simple Decision Making Criteria

Breaking Barriers - Overcome Emotional Eating & Self-Sabotage

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Nov 9, 2017

Is it possible to enjoy your vacation, enjoy your food and make progress towards your goals at the same time?

Yup, I do believe it is.

As I prepare for a bunch of vacations and family holiday celebrations, I thought I'd share with you some general holiday & vacation strategies that go beyond "eat less, move more and only eat what you love".

In today's episode we're talking about finding the intersection between pleasure and happiness while you travel or celebrate as well as specific strategies for blending progress & celebration.


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Primal Potential 050: Do You Treat Weekends Like Vacation

Primal Potential 260: Anti-Diet Holiday Strategies

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Primal Potential 050: Do You Treat Weekends Like Vacation

Primal Potential 260: Anti-Diet Holiday Strategies

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Nov 7, 2017

This past weekend was undeniably one of the best of my life. ASCEND, the annual Primal Potential transformation weekend event, was a massive success.

I was changed. People who attended were changed. Relationships were formed & breakthroughs happened left & right.

I am still processing everything that happened.

In today's episode I'm sharing my 5 major mindset takeaways from the weekend.

For those of you who weren't able to make it, make sure you stay tuned to find out when & where the next transformation weekend will be!


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Nov 4, 2017

Oooooh boy do I have a great episode for you today! Since I am spending today in Boston with my ASCEND 2017 attendees, I thought I'd let you in on a little of the fun by sharing an audio from ASCEND 2016!

Today's podcast is one of the lectures from ASCEND 2016 on the power of simplicity.

This podcast is about doing less to get more.

It's about embracing a simple change instead of battling for a complex one.

It's about breaking away from the mindset that we need to do 4,000 things to create success and embracing the mindset that we need to just do 4 things and do them 4,000 times.

Enjoy this look inside last year's ASCEND event!


404: Simple Decision Making Criteria

Breaking Barriers - Overcome Emotional Eating & Self-Sabotage

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