
CONSISTENT by Primal Potential

Why are we so stressed & overwhelmed? Why do we have clear & compelling goals but fail to reach them? How can we want to change so desperately yet make choices that keep us from that change? Because we keep focusing on the habits we want instead of building the skill of consistency that allows us to achieve them. Consistency is a skill. It's a superpower. It isn't one-size-fits all. It unlocks any door and makes every goal achievable. A more effective, realistic approach starts here.
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CONSISTENT by Primal Potential













All Episodes
Now displaying: March, 2019
Mar 31, 2019

You cannot and will not make sustainable change without awareness. There is no denying that the most critical cornerstone of change is increased awareness.

In today's episode we're talking about what awareness actually means, how we can increase it and what behaviors and patterns reduce it.

No matter what change you want to create in your life, this is the most critical pattern to establish!

To learn more about the 12 WT or to register for the spring session, click here

Mar 30, 2019

In today's listener Q&A episode, we're diving into popular diets like keto & OMAD (one meal a day) as well as questions about eating well on a budget, managing times of stress and much more!

If you have a question, challenge or topic suggestion, send it to us here.

Questions Addressed in Today's Episode:

  • What are your thoughts on OMAD (one meal a day)?
  • I get on these streaks of great self-care and then something happens in my life - chaos or crisis - how can I train myself to embrace this lifestyle even when things are hard?
  • Is it wrong to feel like you need outside help to change?
  • One of the excuses I always give myself is that I can't afford to eat healthy. The thing is, it feels true, not like an excuse. Do you have any tips?
  • What are your top 2-3 perspective shifts or mindset changes that have improved your life?
  • You get up very early. What time do you go to bed and how much sleep do you try to get?
  • Does the 12 WT center around weight loss or can it apply to any goal in life?
  • How do you feel about the keto diet?
  • I'm good at abstinence but as soon as I have one treat, I go off the rails. How can I get to the point where I can have one treat without blowing it?
  • When is your cookbook coming out?
  • How to I get back on track after a binge streak?


[button link="" type="big" color="teal" newwindow="yes"] Register for the 12 Weeks to Transformation[/button]

Change Maker Series:

Part 1 Awareness:

Part 2 Alignment:

Part 3 Advancement:

Part 4 Adjustment:

Join the Primal Potential FB group!

Episodes on ketogenic diets

Episode 033: Is A Ketogenic Diet Right for You?

Episode 389: Primal vs Keto

Episode 388: Keto Reset Diet with Mark Sisson

Other episodes mentioned in today's show

Episode 559: Identity Journaling

Episode 571: Limiting Beliefs

Episode 116: 5 Meals Under $1.99

Episode 066: Eating Healthy on a Budget

Thrive Market - register via this link to get your first month free and save 25% on your first order!

Mar 28, 2019

If you think your money mindset doesn't impact EVERY area of your life, you're wrong. In today's episodes, I'm sharing how and why I had to dramatically upgrade my money mindset and how it set me free from fear, worry, anxiety and pressure.

If you are someone who stresses out, works yourself up and talks yourself into what might go wrong, you must listen to this episode!

My Money Mindset Affirmations

Fear is a liar because I am in control.

I create the results I want.

Money comes to me from unexpected places every day.

There is nothing to fear.

I have more than enough money for all I need and desire, with more than enough for extreme generosity.

Because I serve without limit, money comes to me without limit.

Every dollar I spend comes back to me exponentially.

I create abundance. I seek abundance. I believe in abundance.

My actions create wealth.

Money is not a problem, it's a solution.

Money Mindset Resources:

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

Think & Grow Rich

The Biology of Belief

Learn more about ALIGNMENT and creating a mindset that works for you

Watch this presentation on creating awareness

Join the Primal Potential Facebook group

Today's episode is brought to you by Fabletics. Shop through this link to take advantage of their crazy good deals and get 2 pairs of leggings for $24!


Mar 25, 2019

Trying to figure out how to change your life? Maybe you just want to change your habits, your motivation or your crappy attitude. I've got 4 tools for you!

If you feel overwhelmed with things you want to change, if you're not sure where to start or if you're feeling like change is hard and an uphill battle, we're going to clear that up today.What I've found to be undeniably true is that there are a VERY small handful of tools that apply to just about every problem or obstacle in our lives.

By mastering these few tools, you will make your life easier and your journey to self-improvement far more manageable and enjoyable!

If you want to learn more about the Spring 2019 12 Weeks to Transformation, please click here

How To Change Your Habits - 4 Pillars for a Joyful Journey

These four tools will dramatically simplify your answer to the questions:

  • How do I change my habits?
  • How do I change my mindset?
  • How do I change my beliefs about myself?
  • How do I change my attitude?
  • How can I stop struggling?
  • How can I make change easier?

I've got you covered, my friend, with these 4 pillars.





We also talk about how registration is now open for the Spring 12 Weeks to Transformation. We kick off April 7th but you can get your identity journal sent out today by registering.

However, I expressed a major caveat on today's podcast - if you aren't willing to watch the entire Q&A and truly understand the process, my coaching style and the elements of our 12 Weeks to Transformation, it's probably not for you.


Episode 559 on Identity Journaling

Episode 571 on Limiting Beliefs

Join me tonight (and throughout this week) to learn how to apply these 4 pillars for lasting, joyful change!

Join the free Primal Potential Facebook group! 

Follow me on Instagram!


Mar 23, 2019

Need some tips for overcoming procrastination? How about battling that feeling over overwhelm or frustration?

It's another Q&A episode where Sarah and I dive into your questions and challenges!

Today's topics include:

  • Sustaining and amplifying motivation
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Becoming better in any area of your life
  • Identifying negative triggers
  • Helping children develop a healthy relationship to food
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the journey ahead of you

If you have questions or topics you'd like to hear on the show, you can submit them here.

Join the free 4-night seminar on creating change! 

Mar 21, 2019

The idea of personal transformation can seem daunting - impossible, even. Fortunately, it's far simpler than you might think!

In today's episode, we're exploring the simplest, happiest, most sustainable path to personal transformation and we're doing so by way of a poem that one of my 12 Weeks to Transformation clients wrote and is allowing me to share.


Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

Listen to episode 559 on the power of Identity Journaling

Join the free Primal Potential FB group

Follow me on Instagram

Mar 18, 2019

Being goal oriented might not be the most effective way to achieve your goals. In fact, I don't think it is! In today's episode, we're talking about the difference between goal oriented and growth oriented and how the latter is likely a far more powerful, lasting approach to creating change.

Being growth oriented doesn't mean you don't care about your goals and it certainly doesn't mean you won't reach them. It means that you'll enjoy the journey more and you'll optimize who you are instead of merely trying to manipulate what you choose.


Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation! 

Join me Wednesday March 20th at 8pm ET to learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation and find out if it's the right move for you! Register here. 

Episode 559: The Most Powerful Way to Journal

Join the Primal Potential Facebook group

Got questions for the podcast? Submit them here!

Mar 16, 2019

I am so pumped that we've added this third podcast episode each week because it allows me to do something we both appreciate: mindset coaching. Even though the questions are about weight loss, overwhelm, inconsistency or motivation, the solution is often the same: mindset.

In today's episode (and likely all subsequent Q&As) we're taking your challenges, struggles and questions and using them as mindset coaching moments.

How can you create a solution? Where are there limiting beliefs at play? In what ways are you lying to yourself or only considering one small part of the story?

If you have questions or challenges that you'd like my $0.02 on, you can submit them here.

Mindset Coaching Questions:

  • How do I stop quitting?
  • How do I stay motivated?
  • How do I overcome my "all or nothing" attitude?
  • I want to be happy with my body again. I'm overweight and pretending to be happy. Can you help?
  • If you have always failed to keep the weight off or failed to be successful at work (or really anything) and you feel like there's no point in trying, how do you get back on your feet to try again?
  • How do I become a better mother & wife and at the same time, lose weight and take great care of myself?
  • One of the things that ruins my motivation when I get going is work and other obligations. I am sure you have an episode in the podcast or have sent an email but how do I prioritize my personal health goals in the midst of work and grad school?


Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation and get on the wait list here

Register for the March 20th live information session!

Podcast episodes mentioned in this episode: 

Episode 548: 3 Strategies to Create Change

Episode 559: Identity Journaling

Episode 572: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Join the Primal Potential Facebook Group!

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Mar 14, 2019

Are your limiting beliefs holding your back? Here's the reality: your life is a reflection of your beliefs and I think it's time to upgrade!

I am 100% convinced that the primary reason people are inconsistent and continue to struggle with the same change for years is that they are focused on changing their choices while neglecting to change their beliefs. For example, if you fundamentally believe and continue to make a case for the fact that you're an emotional eater, your choices will align with your belief.

Here's the reality about all beliefs, including limiting beliefs:

"Your body is a barometer of your belief system." ~ Pam Grout

Your life reflects your belief system. Your limiting beliefs will limit your choices and your ability to grow!

It's time to edit your beliefs and upgrade your identity! In today's episode we're diving into the impact that our belief system has on our choices, identifying the beliefs that hold you back and talking about how we can fundamentally change what you believe about yourself and your life.


Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation and get on the wait list!

Join me Wednesday March 20th at 8pm to chat about your goals and how we can crush them (and enjoy the journey) during our Spring 12 Weeks to Transformation.

Join the free Primal Potential Facebook group!

Want to hear that 12 WT client testimonial from today's episode? Click here.

Episodes mentioned in today's podcast:

559 - The Most Powerful Way to Journal

548: 3 Strategies to Get Out of Your Own Way

Books mentioned in today's episode:

Atomic Habits

Think & Grow Rich

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Today's episode is brought to you by Fabletics! Shop through this link and get 2 pairs of leggings for just $24!

My favorite picks from Fabletics

Follow me on Instagram

Mar 11, 2019

Whether you think you're a drama queen or you're sure you're not, you MUST listen to today's podcast! Drama is draining and every single one of us has room for improvment in our creation of and response to drama. Drama takes the form of assumptions, gossip, worry, rumination over the past and so much more. In case you're still convinced that you're not a drama queen, let's take a minute to get on the same page.

Cy Wakeman defines drama as emotional waste and describes drama as mentally wasteful thought processes and unproductive behaviors that keep you from your potential.

Drama includes:

  1. Lack of ownership, accountability or committment
  2. Blaming circumstances or other people for your lack of results
  3. Arguing with circumstances that are non-negotiable
  4. Resistance to change
  5. Spreading gossip
  6. Projecting (and believing) made up stories instead of focusing on facts
  7. Defensiveness to feedback
  8. Dealing with hurt feelings

Questions for the Drama Queen:

Is this mine or someone else's?

Am I doing something productive about it?

Is this my business or someone else's business?

Am I trying to control someone else's thoughts or behaviors?

What actually happened without my story?

What do I know for sure?

What's my part in this?

What are my ideas for resolving the issue?

Am I grounded in reality?

What am I doing today to resolve this?

Other powerful ideas from "No Ego" and today's episode:

"Venting is your ego's way of avoiding self-reflection."

"Your ego is brilliant at finding insult where none is intended."

Drama is draining!


Join the Primal Potential Facebook group

Learn more about the 12 Weeks to Transformation

Check out No Ego by Cy Wakeman

Previous book club episodes:

Episode 137: Always Hungry

Episode 388: Keto Reset Diet

Episode 540: Younger by Dr. Sara Gottfried

Get notified when pili nuts are back in stock and save big with Thrive Market! 

Mar 9, 2019

Growth and change will both require facing your fears. Progress demands that you face your fears.

Personally, I believe that fear is a doorway. Whether we're talking about fear of failure, fear of judgement, fear of missing out or any other fear, it is a doorway.

Do you go through the doorway of the fear or do you remain on the other side, letting fear stop you and allowing it to limit your life, your growth, your happiness and your relationships?

In today's listener Q&A episode, I'm introducing the newest Primal Potential team member and we are sharing honestly how this transition has required both of us to face our fears and step through the doorway of fear.

We're also answering your questions about:

  • overcoming emotional eating and the story of the struggle
  • leaving your job to start a new business
  • whether or not there are truly foods that make it more difficult to remain in control
  • adding vegetables to protein shakes
  • which veggies are best raw versus cooked

One of the major things I did recently to face my own fears was make three significant financial investments in Primal Potential.

  1. I hired a new team member (you meet her on today's episode)
  2. I joined a $30,000 business mastermind
  3. I hired a business coach

Talk about facing your fears! These kinds of major financial investments have always been scary to me. However - here's what they did for me: they forced me to level up. They demanded a next-level committment and performance from me. They were big and scary enough to help me think bigger and work smarter.

How are you facing your fears? What will you do about it today? If you're ready to face your fears and make some changes, think about joining me for our next 12 Weeks to Transformation!


Learn more about our next 12 Weeks to Transformation! Registration opens soon and you can learn more by hopping on the wait list!

Are you part of the Primal Potential Facebook group?

Learn more about Sarah's company: Seasouled

Share your questions or challenges to the Primal Potential inbox!

Check out our last listener Q&A episode from Primal Potential episode 567

Follow me on Instagram

Mar 7, 2019

Recently, I shared in one of the Primal Potential VIP emails a personal growth mantra that inspires the heck out of me:

If you want to double your income, triple your growth.

To me, this doesn't mean triple the growth of your business, it means triple your personal growth.

I believe this has much broader appeal.

If you want to double your rate of progress in any area of life, triple your personal growth.

If you want to 2x the quality of your relationships, triple your personal growth.

Without fail, one of the ways that I create personal growth every single day is via the circle of achievers inside the 12 Weeks to Transformation and the Primal Potential Masters Club. In fact, that might be one of the most powerful ways I create daily personal growth.

Recently, of my 12 WT clients shared someone that helped me grow tremendously, and we're exploring it as a personal growth strategy in today's episode. This is one you can apply immediately and with incredible results.


Learn more about the spring 12 Weeks to Transformation!

Are you in the Primal Potential Facebook group? Join us there to discuss today's episode, create motivation, help each other grow and so much more!

Listen to episode 521 to hear more about how you can get out of debt no matter how much you make (and learn about my sister Debi's journey to becoming debt free!)

Listen to episode 548 for more tools that will help you overcome frustration, accelerate progress and facilitate personal growth.

Follow me on Instagram!

Mar 4, 2019

I'm answering your questions today! If you have questions, please feel free to submit them here and listen to today's episode about an exciting improvment I'm making to the way I answer your questions!

I'd love for you to join me in our brand new Primal Potential Facebook group! It's totally free and amazing way to stay motivated and engaged! It's also a great place to get your questions answered!

Here are some of the mindset and fat loss questions I'm answering on today's show:

I have a question about support. I don’t have a big social circle and the few that are in it, aren’t focused on weight loss or mindset. I’m loving the new community for this!!!! I was wondering if you have suggestions on how to meet like minded people in my area. I’ve tried the gym but find everyone politely says hello and then goes on about their routine in silence. Would a different kind of gym help? Any other avenues you think I should explore?

You share so many great things-but what have been the TOP couple ideas/perspective shifts that created a pivot or tipping point in your life?

Knowing what you know now, if you were to take up 100 pounds overweight tomorrow, and knew you could "perfectly" lose the weight, what are the top 5 things you would adjust immediately.

I would love more ideas about how to recognize automatic thoughts, because I'm a weirdo who doesn't think in actual sentences? Or maybe, I'm just so accustomed to having the thoughts that they don't register as sentences in my head (habits). Like I KNOW I do the whole "screw it, Ill start tomorrow" or "this treat doesn’t really matter" etc... But those do not come up as words in my mind, more like my mind skips the whole thought and goes straight to the feeling. How to reverse engineer this?

Is there normally an "aha" moment that turns us around and takes us down the easy road? Or is it just lots of practice and consistency and eventually it will start working?


Episode 513: Fitness & Fat Loss

Episode 195: The Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss

Join the Primal Potential Facebook group!

Work with me in the next 12 Weeks to Transformation!