Are you feeling like you're stuck in a loop of "I'll start tomorrow" or "this one thing won't hurt" or "I'm too tired/stressed/lonely"?
If you want to take advantage of the Final10 year end strategy workshop, head to to purchase the replay, workbook and transcript!
Fear of missing out got you? Let's break it for good!
It's time to break the pattern. Like, right now.
Make sure you're registered for our upcoming FINAL10 workshop where we'll be putting together YOUR personalized, specific, realistic and actionable strategy for the final 10 weeks of 2024! Here's the link to learn more and grab your spot.
Gut check time, my friend! I've heard it said that if you talk about a problem more than twice without taking meaningful action toward a solution, you aren't actually looking for a solution, you're looking for attention.
Let's get into it!
Make sure to register for our upcoming FINAL10 workshop by going to to get your spot.
10 weeks left and we aren't going to drift. We aren't waiting until January. We are getting clear on a personal, realistic view of what success looks like and then we are getting strategy in place to stabilize that success.
I've got a simple decision making criteria challenge for you! And while you're here, make sure to sign up for my upcoming FINAL10 workshop! Sign up here:
Do you do what you say you'll do or do you often re-negotiate the promises you make? Today we're going to explore how to re-establish integrity with yourself!
If you haven't yet, join me inside Upgrade - get the overview of all 12 lessons here:
Are there things you tell yourself are too small to make a difference?
Other things that you feel are too big to take on?
This episode is 100% for you and I promise it's going to make any change you want to create much easier!