Do you ever have silent debates with yourself? You know, you make a decision to eat clean & then find yourself debating Girl Scout Cookies?
The cartoon depictions of the devil & angel on opposite shoulders certainly originated from someone who knows exactly what I'm talking about!
In today's episode we're talking about how to win internal debates and how to identify, understand & overcome them.
Have you ever heard the Cherokee story about two wolves? I share it on this episode & adapt it to the internal debates I have over food & health.
A fight is going on inside me. It is a constant battle between two lions.
One is stubborn & lazy. She is greedy. She stands for pity, guilt, resentment, lies, abuse, avoidance, excuses, exceptions and delays.
The other is beautiful. She is hopeful. She is strong. She is optimistic. She is determined. She cares for me, believes in me and knows that everything is possible. She is my guardian and wants to guide me to my potential.
The same fight is going on inside you and inside every other person, too.
Which lion will win?
The one you feed.