
CONSISTENT by Primal Potential

Why are we so stressed & overwhelmed? Why do we have clear & compelling goals but fail to reach them? How can we want to change so desperately yet make choices that keep us from that change? Because we keep focusing on the habits we want instead of building the skill of consistency that allows us to achieve them. Consistency is a skill. It's a superpower. It isn't one-size-fits all. It unlocks any door and makes every goal achievable. A more effective, realistic approach starts here.
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CONSISTENT by Primal Potential













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Now displaying: January, 2016
Jan 30, 2016

I think that most of us, weight problem or no weight problem, are overfed and undernourished. We focus on foods that deliver an imbalance of energy & nutrition. We get plenty of energy in the form of calories but we starve our bodies of the nutrients they need for both proper & optimal function.

Specifically, in this overfed and undernourished 2 part series, I want to talk about 5 nutrients I feel most of us aren't getting enough of. I'll dive into why they're important and how we can get more.

Did you miss part 1? No worries - you can listen to it here.

Jan 28, 2016

I think that most of us, weight problem or no weight problem, are overfed and undernourished. We focus on foods that deliver an imbalance of energy & nutrition. We get plenty of energy in the form of calories but we starve our bodies of the nutrients they need for both proper & optimal function.

Specifically, in this overfed and undernourished 2 part series, I want to talk about 5 nutrients I feel most of us aren't getting enough of. I'll dive into why they're important and how we can get more.

We have an unfortunate tendency to rely on processed foods that deliver energy without nutrition (or with little nutrition). This leads to "malnutrition of affluence" or a situation of being overfed and undernourished.

We simply aren't giving our bodies the raw materials they need to function optimally. This leads to:

  • Obesity
  • Fatigue
  • Inflammation
  • Chronic disease

Instead of looking at health & weight loss through the lens of restriction and deprivation, I'd encourage everyone to focus on equipping your body to function optimally so it creates a state of leanness, energy and vitality. When making food choices, ask yourself:

  • Is this energy & nutrition or one without the other?

In this series, I want to focus on 5 things I feel we need more of. In part one, I'll be focusing on essential fatty acids & vitamin D.

In today's episode I'll focus on essential fatty acids and:

  • What they are
  • What they do
  • The problems related to deficiency
  • The problems with the Standard American Diet & essential fatty acids
  • How to consume more
  • The difference between omega 3s and omega 6s
  • How to reduce omega 6s
  • How to increase omega 3s

Related to vitamin D, this episode addresses:

  • What it is
  • What it does
  • The problems related to deficiency
  • 3 ways to increase vitamin D
    • Sunshine
    • Food
    • Supplementation

In the next episode of this series we'll tackle

  • Magnesium
  • B Vitamins
  • Probiotics
Jan 26, 2016

We need to have a little chat about starting strong versus staying strong.

I've been getting a lot of emails lately from people saying that they need a fresh start, the new to begin again, they need a clean slate. Do you need to reset? Does that make sense? Or might that be the exact reason you're not seeing the progress you want?

I actually think that the resets, fresh starts and do-overs are actually in the way of progress and today I want to tell you why.

Jan 23, 2016

I was recently inspired by a Motley Fool article on successful investing that talked about the importance of mindset. I immediately knew that these principles were intimately related to success in all arenas of life, including weight loss. Today I'll share 7 ways to avoid failure based on success strategies that have the power to transform absolutely any area of your life.

I've talked before about the link between financial transformations & physical transformation and today I'm going to take that a step further. Don't miss the full episode!

Jan 21, 2016

Dairy is a highly debated topic, especially as it relates to weight loss within the Paleo, Primal and whole foods communities. Does dairy slow weight loss? Is it fat loss friendly? Does it increase blood sugar? Does it influence insulin, the master fat loss hormone? Some of the answers might surprise you and we're going to answer all your questions & then some in today's episode!

In today's episode, I'll be going through the following 10 statements in more detail. Don't miss the full episode!

  1. The intended purpose of milk, from any mammal, is to deliver nutrients to and accelerate the growth of an infant
  2. Milk & most milk products contain sugar in the form of lactose. Though "sugar" might not be listed on the label, that does not mean there is not sugar within. The carbohydrates contained within come from this milk sugar. Any sugar reflected on the label is added sugar in addition to the lactose.
  3. Though dairy products (excluding those with added sugar) don't produce much of an increase in blood sugar, they do elicit an insulin response. Typically, glycemic index and insulin index are similarly impacted but this is not the case with dairy products. They have a unique insulin reaction that I explain in this episode. Individuals who are insulin resistant should consider limiting dairy for this reason.
  4. The hormones produced by the mammal which produced the milk are often still contained within the milk. If you drink the milk, you ingest said hormones. This is, of course, a dose-dependent relationship and the hormone content depends on many different factors including the quality of the product, the type of product and the hormone levels (natural & artificial) of the animal.
  5. Casein, the predominant protein in milk products, is a major allergen for many people.
  6. Not all animal milks are created equal. Goat's milk, for example, is higher in fat and lower in casein and lactose.
  7. Nut milk is not milk. While this seems obvious to many, it is not to all and is worth a discussion.
  8. Whether or not you can or should tolerate dairy products depends in large part on your individual gut health/permeability.
  9. Your bacterial balance (or imbalance) will have a lot to do with your body's response to dairy consumption.
  10. Lactose content, casein content and insulin impact depend on the type of dairy consumed.

If you are concerned about calcium intake, consider these non-dairy options which are good sources of calcium:

  • Canned salmon
  • Sardines
  • Kale
  • Oranges
  • Almonds
  • Seaweed
  • Sesame seeds

Jan 19, 2016

Most of the people I talk to feel overwhelmed. They want to take control of their health & their habits but they're overwhelmed by life. They're taking care of family, working, maintaining their home. It's a lot.

That's what this episode is for. I want to help you understand how to reduce stress and get more results by simplifying your environment, your mind & your life.

I've created a free guide for you so you can take the concepts in this episode and implement them into your life. Visit the show notes page for this episode or go to to get your free guide! But definitely make sure to listen to the entire episode! I know it will be incredibly helpful for those of you who feel stressed, overwhelmed & life you just don't have enough time or bandwidth to achieve your goals.

How To Reduce Stress

  1.  Identify what is important to you
  2. Eliminate the rest

Simplification isn't just about your schedule or your thoughts. We can simplify many areas of our lives as we consider how to reduce stress & accelerate progress towards our goals.

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up - stay on top of recurring tasks if you can't eliminate or outsource them

Understand & respect Parkinson's Law - tasks will expand to fill up the time you allot to them. This is where they phrase "If you wait until the last minute it only takes a minute" comes from. Assign a fixed amount of time to complete a task and then focus exclusively on that task for the pre-determined interval

The simplification guide will help you simplify each of the following categories with dozens of suggestions for how to reduce stress by making changes in each of these areas

  • Environment & Space
  • Time
  • Mind
Jan 18, 2016

Today's motivational minisode is not my own. This perfect minisode shares the perspective & beautiful thoughts of one of the women I'm lucky enough to work with.

I think it's a wonderful thing when we can learn how people overcome their personal barriers and implement powerful behavior changes. She has done that, is doing that and today we're going to hear some of her thoughts.

Jan 16, 2016

To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss. Then we tackled protein & highlighted the ways that protein intake increases satiety & supports fat burning but also established how too much protein inhibits fat loss. In part 4 we looked at dietary fat & how eating more fat might help accelerate fat burning! In part 5, I talked about what makes fitness efficient & effective for fat loss (and what doesn't).

To get caught up, check out part 1,  part 2part 3part 4 and part 5.

In today's episode I'm answering your questions on all 5 parts of this fat loss basics series.

Fat Loss Basics Part 6 - Your Questions Answered

Here are the questions I'm answering in this episode:

  1. I'm so frustrated. I'm eating right, I'm working out and I'm not losing a pound. Can you help? Can you tell me what to do next?
  2. I love intermittent fasting. When I break my fast, I do so with protein or fat. That means I'm still in fat burning mode, right?
  3. I have lemon juice & ginger first thing in the morning. Does that take me out of fat burning mode?
  4. Does stevia raise blood sugar?
  5. I love to eat popcorn. I looked at the label & it says there are no sugar but there are carbs. Does this mean it doesn't raise my blood sugar?
  6. What do you think of protein shakes?
  7. Is dairy protein or fat?
  8. I see that you workout on most days. Don't you need to let your muscles rest & recover?
  9. I am one of those people who gains weight when I lift weights. You say that weight lifting doesn't make muscles grow. So then why do I gain weight?

Jan 14, 2016

To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss. Then we tackled protein & highlighted the ways that protein intake increases satiety & supports fat burning but also established how too much protein inhibits fat loss. In part 4 we looked at dietary fat & how eating more fat might help accelerate fat burning!

To get caught up, check out part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.

In today's episode we're diving into exercise & fitness for fat loss:

Should you be working out?
Can you burn fat without working out?
What types of workouts make you eat more?
What are the best types of workouts for fat loss?
How much & how often should I workout?
Should I lift weights?
How does leisure walking support fat loss?

Jan 12, 2016

To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss. Then we tackled protein & highlighted the ways that protein intake increases satiety & supports fat burning but also established how too much protein inhibits fat loss. In this episode, we're diving into dietary fat & how eating more fat might help accelerate fat burning!

To get caught up, check out part 1,  part 2 and part 3.

In today's episode we're taking a look at how & why dietary fat supports fat loss:

  • Does fat make you fat?
  • Why should you eat more fat?
  • What happens when you go on a low fat diet?
  • How does fat intake trigger your body to burn more fat?
  • What are some fats to focus on?
  • How much fat is too much fat?

Jan 9, 2016

To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss. In the second, we covered everything you need to know about carbs & fat loss.

To get caught up, check out part 1 and part 2.

In today's episode we're taking a deep dive into protein for fat loss including:

  • How does protein support fat loss?
  • How does protein make me feel fuller for longer?
  • How does protein impact my hormones?
  • How can protein improve my metabolic rate & body composition?
  • What are the biggest mistakes people make with protein?
  • Are beans protein?
  • How do you know if you're eating too much protein?
  • What foods are proteins?

I love sharing this kind of information with you & I'd love to stay more connected & keep you informed, encouraged & motivated through my VIP email list


Jan 7, 2016

To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! In the first episode, we talked about calories & hormones and the requirements for fat loss.

In today's episode we're taking a deep dive into carbohydrates including:

  • What are they?
  • How do different types of carbs impact fat loss?
  • How do carbs impact metabolism?
  • What are the best carb strategies for fat loss?


Fat Loss Food Guide

Hormones & Fat Loss E-Book

The Golden Rules of Carbs & Fat Loss

Why Calorie Counting is Misleading

Carb Timing

Carb Tolerance



Jan 5, 2016

To kick off the New Year, I am doing a series called Fat Loss Basics! This is the first episode of the series and I'll be covering all the basic information about calories, hormones, fat loss foods & fitness.

Today we will establish when calories matter and why a calorie deficit is not sufficient for fat loss.

In this first episode of the Fat Loss Basics series, we go into detail on a few fat loss truths. Definitely listen to the entire episode to understand them in their entirety and be sure to listen to the whole series as it becomes available!

  1. A calorie deficit is required for fat loss
  2. A calorie deficit does not ensure fat loss
  3. Fat burning is turned on & off by your hormones
  4. The two primary  hormones in control of fat loss are glucagon & insulin
  5. We can control both insulin & glucagon with our food choices

Insulin is an important & necessary storage hormone. Insulin is responsible for delivery fuel to our cells & ushering excess fuel to storage sites within the body (this can be muscle storage or fat storage).

Without insulin, our cells would starve & we would die.

The presence of insulin informs the body that there there is ample fuel in the body and therefore fat burning is not required.

Glucagon works opposite of insulin.

Glucagon responds when there is no fuel available from food. The presence of glucagon allows fat to be released from storage and burned to provide energy to the body.

A calorie deficit alone is not enough to instruct glucagon to do it's job.

You need a calorie deficit & control of insulin/glucagon.

Here are a few ways you can control insulin & glucagon to maximize your fat burning potential:

  1. Follow the Golden Rules of carbs & fat loss
  2. Avoid overfeeding
  3. Minimize stress
  4. Avoid chronic cardiovascular/endurance exercise

Jan 4, 2016

I decided to take a fun, new approach to my next live webinar to ensure that I am giving you guys EXACTLY what you need, not just what I think you might need. Everyone who registered for the webinar was given a survey to establish what they feel are their biggest barriers to weight loss. In today's episode, not only do I invite you to take the survey & register for the live webinar, I share the most common answers I've received and weigh in on these challenges.

I will absolutely tackle these issues & challenges on the webinar as well as in upcoming podcasts, emails, blogs & courses.

I'm so thankful to those of you who took the time to take the survey and share your challenges with me!

In the survey, I ask 3 questions:

  1. What is the primary reason you give up or give in when attempting to lose weight?
  2. What is your most significant barrier to changing your eating habits?
  3. What is the one thing you'd most like to learn on the webinar?

Nearly 60% of people said that they primary reason they give up on their weight loss attempts is TEMPTATION. In moments of temptation, they surrender.

This is what I call "The Gap" & I'll be spending a lot of time on the webinar talking about the gap & how to avoid it. "The Gap" is the space between our intentions & our actions. We fall in the gap when we give in to temptation. But how do we stop? How do we stay strong and true to our goals in those moments? I'll show you.

Almost 70% of people answered that their most significant barrier to changing their eating habits is emotional eating. Boom. Yes. I so get that. That is EXACTLY WHY I am hosting this webinar on New Year, New Approach. We can have all the meal plans & food lists in the world, but that's not the issue. The issue is not WHAT to eat but rather WHY we eat. This will be tackled on the webinar & of course in the return of the Breaking Barriers course.

Lastly, the two most common things people said they wanted to learn on the webinar were how to stop emotional eating & self sabotage. Well, my friends, you've come to the right place. I've got you.

Now, about 20% of people want nuts & bolts about what to eat, when, how much, etc. I've got you, too! Next week I'll have a detailed episode on the nuts & bolts of fat loss for nutrition as well as the nuts & bolts of hormones, mindset & fitness. Do not miss that. In the meantime, check out the resources section right below for a handful of previous episodes & other tools on those topics.

Jan 1, 2016

'Tis the season for setting goals, right? Unfortunately, most people will go about their New Year goals the same way they always have. Chances are, they'll get the same results.

They'll capitalize on the motivation that comes with the fresh start of a new year but that motivation will wane, they will get distracted and they'll give in to temptation and opportunity.

I don't want that for you. I think we all realize that most people don't reach their New Years goals. Let's break that trend this year.

This episode is a goal setting workshop. It's not a lecture. It's an activity to go through together to ensure that you set an important goal and crush it.

Goal Setting Workshop

There are some pretty common mistakes people make when it comes to their goals.

  • They set too many
  • They aren't specific
  • They don't re-visit the goals often enough, if ever
  • Their time horizon is too long
  • They don't address the obstacles that could hold them back

I want to help you take a different, effective approach this year. I've created a goal setting & tracking worksheet to help you crush your 2016 goals in every arena of life.

In this episode, I'll walk you through the worksheets and help you set a goal and begin to make progress.

Together, we will identify:

  • The specific goal you want to achieve
  • The timeframe in which you will achieve it
  • Why this goal matters & what you stand to gain
  • What happens if you fail to achieve the goal
  • The barriers between you and achievement
  • The strategies you'll need to implement to achieve your goal
  • How to stay focused every single day
  • How to ensure you make continuous progress