I want to challenge you to pay more attention to your body & less attention to everyone else's. I want to show you how to interpret the signals your body sends every single day & use them to your advantage.
The reality is that your body is constantly communicating with you. It's letting you know what's going right, what's not, which hormones are struggling and which ones are cruising right along.
Many of us, however, are so busy living life & paying attention to other people and things that we don't pay attention to the signaling & signs of our own bodies.
Today we'll take a dive into keeping a journal of what you eat & the signals your body sends without the cumbersome tasks of counting calories or macros. We'll uncover the common sense approach to fat loss & hormone balance.
The primary signals we get from our bodies related to fat loss & hormones are quality of sleep, hunger, energy, mood & cravings. Those are the signals we'll evaluate today.